Certain writers, who hated Saddam Hussein and everything the deposed Iraqi leader represented, wanted him out of power by any means, legal or otherwise, even if it meant throwing the entire Arab world into chaos. Their hatred for the man blinded them and made them unable to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. They were so desperate to see an end to Saddam’s rule that they advocated the use of the most evil means to justify the mass killings of an Arab people and the destruction of their homeland. The policy they advocated was leaving any Arab country which failed to uphold freedom, democracy and human rights to American and British imperialism so those two could crush and occupy them militarily. They want to bring back the 19th century Arab world under Western colonization. Those same writers keep saying conditions in Saddam’s Iraq were no different from those in most other Arab countries. The only difference is the degree of brutality with which the ruler rules and the length of time he is in power. Yet they lack the courage to call openly on the American and British imperialists to come and conquer their countries and disseminate the kind of freedom, democracy and human rights they wish to force on others. They claim that Iraq was led into its present calamity by nationalist and Islamic political forces which refused to countenance an Arab country invaded, its people killed and resources plundered by the American-British forces. They kept saying this when it was evident Iraq had no intention of entering so unequal a military struggle, did what the UN required of it and actively cooperated with the arms inspectors, providing them with whatever information and material they requested.
It now seems that the search for the weapons of mass destruction was a waste of time. Iraq has fallen into the hands of invaders who have failed to provide a shred of evidence that it had acquired and or was hiding the weapons. The riposte to those who parrot what is being said by Washington and London came from Hans Blix, the UN chief weapons inspector. He said that the issue of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction was never on Washington and London’s list of priorities. It was a big lie spread by both, believing the world believed the lie which then gave alleged grounds for threatening Syria. The only Iraqis who welcomed the invaders and supported them were the thieves, looters, armed robbers and the Kurds portraying the American and British invaders as saviors and saints.
Arab News From the Local Press 27 April 2003