Separation of Synagogue and State

Hussein Shobokshi
Publication Date: 
Tue, 2003-06-03 03:00

There are some wonderful, objective Jews in the West who stood for Palestinian rights and fought for them against ignorant and devastating Zionist trends. However, one can only wonder what the opinions of America’s founding fathers would be today if they saw their country’s policies being hijacked by an “Israeli gang” inside its administration. A gang that has been creating enemies and targets one after the other with a grand goal in mind, “the protection and expansion of the State of Israel.”

These conclusions are not those of “Muslim fundamentalists,” “Arab nationalists” or even “European zealots.”

They are those of red, white and blue-blooded Americans from various ends of the political spectrum; pure Americans, who see no sense in their government’s extremely biased policy in supporting Israel.

Throwing billions of dollars annually in the coffers of Israeli governments, setting up new enemy lists of Arab and Muslim nations and individuals while at the same time totally ignoring (mostly really encouraging) the killings of the Palestinians by the war criminal Ariel Sharon.

Never has there been such a vulgar, wicked and unholy alliance between America and Israel as there is today. Initially, it was easy to “market” the support for Israel in America and the West. One used to hear that Israel was David to the Arabs’ Goliath; therefore let’s support the underdog in this modern-day biblical fairytale.

Today, the story is quite different. Israel has occupied and annexed over 95 percent of the Palestinian land. It has forced the migration of over 3 million people. It has massacred tens of thousands over the years. It has acquired and developed every conceivable weapons of mass destruction available (that includes nuclear, biological and chemical: The works).

It has ignored over 80 UN resolutions that have condemned its actions and policies. It’s blindly backed by the sole superpower, which provides the blessed veto against the implementation of the UN resolutions.

A lot of Americans have been very passive about their country’s foreign policies. This should change. The land of the free must stop a gang that has put the interests of Israel above Americans from continuing to dictate America’s priorities and deciding who are America’s enemies.

The policies these characters have decided are unfair, unjust and most of all immoral. Every admirer of the true values of America is waiting for a popular American renaissance to take place in November; one that will bring back dignity, fairness and decency for American politics and get rid of those gangsters and their kind.

3 June 2003

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