BAGHDAD, 3 July 2003 — The US military said a bomb-making class inside a mosque triggered a deadly explosion that enraged the Iraqi town of Falluja, where residents vowed yesterday to wage holy war against US occupiers. President George W. Bush said the US military forces that overthrew Saddam Hussein had all the power needed to deal with attacks by Iraqis opposed to their presence in the country, which have escalated in recent weeks.
The US military said it carried out five more raids in an operation to stamp out the violence, detaining three people and confiscating assault rifles and grenades. US Central Command said a blast at a mosque in Falluja, west of Baghdad, on Monday night was caused by people being taught how to make bombs in the building.
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Jack Straw made a lightning visit to Iraq as the bodies of six British soldiers killed a week ago in clashes over arms searches were flown home. He met top British commanders in southern Iraq before going to Baghdad.