I rejoiced at the news of the killing of Uday and Qusay, the two sons of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. God answered my prayers when I implored Him to make the Americans stay longer in Iraq and be more patient and persevering in their attempts to finish the liberation war they fought to save the brotherly Iraqi people from the atrocities and injustices they suffered at the hands of the most barbaric system the region has seen in modern history.
The killing of the two brutes has given hope to the coalition forces that the situation could soon stabilize in Iraq. We pray to Almighty Allah to bestow His blessings on us and hasten Saddam’s capture and make him an example for other tyrants.
The Iraqi people breathed a sigh of relief with the death of the dictator’s two sons and should no longer feel haunted by the frightening possibility of a return to power by the deposed regime. Saddam’s rule was a myth that continued in the minds of many Iraqis.
It was a nightmare that haunted many. Saddam made the Iraqis believe he was the phoenix; he made them believe he was like the mythical bird which lived for hundreds of years in the Arabian Desert and after burning itself, rose, young again, from its own ashes.
The lights illuminating the sky of Baghdad these days are coming from weapons fired by people celebrating the demise of two butchers and the death of Saddam’s myth. Soon the voice of the Iraqi people will be heard everywhere, announcing the dawn of a new era of human rights and the rule of law. Iraqis will regain their dignity and be able to govern themselves.
I am confident this noble people who have been denied basic rights for decades will rebuild their country with the help of their liberators and the international community. They will build a democratic country, governed by law where development and prosperity will be guaranteed far from any hegemony and oppression practiced under any pretext, whether religious or otherwise.
Thirty years of suffering has taught the Iraqi people that submission amounts to slow death. We pray to God to bestow more of His blessings on the Iraqi people in order for them to complete their liberation and protect their country from the ambitions of some of its sons.
Arab News From the Local Press 30 July 2003