Sharon’s Policies Disturbing

Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Publication Date: 
Sat, 2003-10-11 03:00

Adolf Hitler is reborn. Only this time, rather than a swastika armband, he is adorned with a yarmulke. And his name is Ariel Sharon. And just as Hitler pursued his intent of forging the master race by putting millions in concentration camps and murdering them, so has Sharon pursued the policy of exterminating the innocent, except this time around it is a generous supply of tanks, Apache helicopters, and F-15s that do the dirty deed.

Zionism today runs ominously parallel to Nazism. And to peaceful Israeli Jews his murderous policies have become increasingly disturbing. Sharon, a transplanted Eastern European, is committed to eradicate the souls of those born and bred on this land. And all in the name of Zionism, a despicable alternative to racism. And just as Hitler’s henchmen had initially convinced Chamberlain of England of their desire for peace, so has the Zionist spin machine been active in the West promoting the concept that the ethnic cleansing of a people going into its seventh decade is a reaction to suicide bombing.

And it was one of those whose family was brutally victimized and put to death in Jenin, and who bore witness to the crime, who reacted with what she must have perceived a non-existent future. One does not have to dig deep into one’s memory to remember the massacres this leader committed in the name of peace and security not so long ago against innocent civilians in Bethlehem, Jenin and Ramallah. Or before that in Sabra and Shatilla.

Sharon sent tanks into a Gaza refugee camp yesterday morning. A man and a woman were killed and 19 people were wounded. Most of the casualties came when an attack helicopter fired a missile at the camp. Three houses were destroyed near the border and machine guns were fired to drive families away from others. Can we honestly expect these newly formed refugees to greet their oppressors with garlands of flowers, or fight back with whatever means at their disposal?

This is a government that has publicly considered the assassination of a head of state. One that is currently building a wall around a people; a barrier to fence in the herd before the slaughter. Of destroying homes and crops of Palestinian farmers, and creating refugees within the occupied territories. Of actively encouraging the building of settlements in occupied territories, and yet maintaining their false innocence.

Of not allowing the International Red Cross or other humanitarian missions into occupied territories to provide aid to the wounded and dying. Or barring foreign journalists access within the occupied territories to verify their claims.

Or their rejection of investigative bodies into their nuclear arsenal programs. Of their refusal to allow fact-finding missions to investigate growing incidents of war crimes. Or their snub to a multi-national peacekeeping force to act as a buffer until Palestinian statehood is achieved.

Yes indeed; Nazism is reborn. And it is being nurtured by none other than Ariel Sharon.

— ([email protected])

— Arab News Opinion 11 October 2003

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