If you are like me, you are probably sick and tired of conspiracy theories even if they are true or not totally wrong. Conspiracies, like mysticism, help explain the inexplicable and give us a comforting feeling of not being totally inept. Muslims have had their run with the Jewish conspiracy theory and have pounded it to death.
The Malaysian prime minister recently waded into this swamp and is being swamped. He should have the right to say what he wants, or is this denied a Muslim? But that is not the point. If I understood him right, he was really praising the Jews for their diligence, hard work, and what the few can do if they put their mind to something. If anything, he was chastising the Muslims. The Jews do have influence. It did not come out of a void. Wherever they are, they have worked hard to establish themselves in the den of the lion where most pogroms have occurred throughout history.
There is a lesson for the few and the weak to be learned from this experience. If the Jews are using this to further their goals, then no one can really deny them this right. Jew does not mean Sharon, much as Saddam does not mean Arab.
There is a something distinctive to the Jews: They use whatever influence they have to protect and further the interest of all Jews.
Arabs, especially their leaders, have great influence with others. Arabs have greater wealth under their soil, they have more people above it, but Arab leaders use this influence to further their own interests and not those of Arabs or Muslims.
This is a hard fact that no one can deny. And this is what the Malaysian prime minister should have talked about to the gathered officials. It would have made more sense.
Instead of yapping about this theory or that, no one seems to have noticed that major Jewish and some Israeli institutions have been uncomfortably silent about Sharon’s wall.
They do not like it and see through Sharon’s madness. But they are not finding any help from the other side. Why not try and join efforts instead of chastising the Jews for their excellence in whatever they do?
The reality of our lives is not that different. We have our Saddams and the Jews have their Sharons. Many an Israeli living in Tel Aviv would give away the West Bank for the possibility of peace.
Similarly, many an Iraqi was happily living in his country and did not care for Kuwait to become another district in Saddam’s regime. Yet both men did and will do their damage. The majority will have to try and stop it before matters go into no-return mode. Israelis can do this through the ballot box, we can’t. Till further notice, we must rely on others to do it. If I have ever seen a conspiracy, this one is glaring.