On the way to work I occupied myself with looking around at other cars and people. Of course I pitied everyone who was driving for they had to join in what is almost an acrobatic show, trying to dodge other cars and ignore piercing horns as well as avoiding pedestrians and cats.
Not to say that the drivers are not responsible for the whole scene but our streets are full of drivers who should not be allowed near a car, except to look at it. And for the ones who know how to drive, they have to join the show or else, will suffer from the mad cars and their equally mad drivers.
OK this is not new. I guess by now most drivers have got used to expecting to bump into other cars or pedestrians who suddenly appear out of nowhere in front of them. Frustrated, they drive on, looking at the traffic police as a mere addition to the local scenery.
I did not think that any more distractions could be added to this chaotic scene of street life in Jeddah. Well, I was mistaken. I recently noticed an increase in the number of ads, posters that stick to every surface that can be seen. If there were a way of placing ads on the road itself, I am sure tomorrow we would be walking on diapers and dancing on tea bags.
The idea is always if you can get money out of something, sell it. So when you are in the street, on each side you have posters on lampposts, on walls and on buildings. The new trend of course is big screens on top of buildings that actually feature nonstop commercials. How on earth are drivers supposed to look at traffic lights, avoid bumping into other cars, or simply avoid crashing into people crossing the road? Mind you, those people like to take their time while crossing the street so you’ll have to wait for them or else it is your fault if you don’t see them or wait for them to move.
Of course reckless drivers do not have to wait for anything; basically they do not have a problem since most of the time people have to run away from them.
Here we have to pause and ask ourselves some questions: In Jeddah where accidents rate are already very high, do we need more distractions on our roads? Do we need more ugliness added to the streets?
Our city — at least outside the old downtown area — lacks a character; our buildings are a mishmash of styles and colors; now posters and giant screens are added to that making it all more confused but, as always we’ll just have to live with it. Maybe we should have double-decker streets, one to fill with ads and the other left for other people who are concerned with driving safely.
I just hope that we won’t get used to it to the extent that we accept it as the norm. If we do, there will be no hope for us to improve things.