Houthis claim attack on US Navy ship in Gulf of Aden

Special Houthis claim attack on US Navy ship in Gulf of Aden
Houthi fighters on the back of a pick-up truck during a parade in support of strikes on ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, Sanaa, Yemen, Jan. 29, 2024. (Reuters)
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Updated 29 January 2024

Houthis claim attack on US Navy ship in Gulf of Aden

Houthis claim attack on US Navy ship in Gulf of Aden
  • Houthi naval troops fired an anti-ship missile at the USS Lewis B. Puller as it traveled in the Gulf of Aden
  • Yemeni leader Rashad Al-Alimi urges EU to declare Houthis as terrorists during talks with envoy

AL-MUKALLA: Yemen’s Houthi militia on Monday said they fired a missile at a US Navy ship in the Gulf of Aden, vowing to continue their attacks on ships in the Red Sea, Bab Al-Mandab, and the Gulf.

Houthi military spokesperson Yahiya Sarae said that Houthi naval troops fired an anti-ship missile at the USS Lewis B. Puller as it traveled in the Gulf of Aden. Sarae said the attack was retribution for US and UK bombings in Yemen and in solidarity with the “oppressed” Palestinians.

“The targeting procedure is part of the Yemeni armed forces’ military actions in defense of Yemen and evidence of their determination to help the oppressed Palestinian people,” Sarae said.

Despite the Houthi’s claims, neither the US Central Command nor the UK’s Maritime Trade Operations agency, which monitors Houthi assaults on ships, reported any fresh strikes in the waters off Yemen over the past 24 hours.

Since November, the Houthis have seized a commercial ship known as Galaxy Leader and fired dozens of drones and missiles against commercial ships in the region, which they say is to push Israel to cease operations in Gaza.

The attacks have pushed the US to lead a coalition to protect international trade lines off Yemen, carrying out dozens of attacks on Houthi-controlled regions and reclassifying the group as terrorists.

The Houthis have said that neither the coalition attacks nor the new designation will stop them from preventing all Israel-bound ships passing through the Red Sea.

“Neither America nor anybody else will be able to prevent Yemen from meeting its humanitarian and moral obligations towards the tortured people of Gaza,” chief Houthi negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam said on social media platform X on Sunday.

Experts believe the Houthis continue to attack ships to remain in the spotlight and keep the US involved in the region, as they are aware that the administration of President Joe Biden will not deploy troops to Yemen during an election year.

Elisabeth Kendall, a Middle East expert and head of Girton College at the University of Cambridge, told Arab News that the current exchange of strikes between the Houthis and the US may escalate into an aggressive US bombardment of Yemen and may also see the Houthis intensify their own attacks.

“As long as there is no ceasefire in Gaza, the Houthis can position themselves as having rightson their side,” she said.

“The more the US bombs them, the more they can justify their own expansion of operations — as long as they still retain capability, which looks to be the case. We may already be in a spiral.”

Meanwhile, the chairman of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, urged the EU on Monday to declare the Houthis terrorists.

The official news agency SABA reported that Al-Alimi discussed the UN-brokered peace efforts with the EU Ambassador to Yemen Gabriel Munuera Vinals in Riyadh, as well as the impact of the Houthi attacks on Yemen’s oil terminals and the EU’s economic support for the Yemeni government.

Social media images reveal Sudan war crimes: HRW

Social media images reveal Sudan war crimes: HRW
Updated 29 August 2024

Social media images reveal Sudan war crimes: HRW

Social media images reveal Sudan war crimes: HRW

KHARTOUM: Human Rights Watch has accused both sides in Sudan’s more than 16-month conflict of committing war crimes, including summary executions, torture, and the mutilation of bodies.

Since April 2023, Sudan’s army, led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, has been locked in a devastating war with the Rapid Support Forces that has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions.

The New York-based rights group said its analysis of social media images indicated mass executions of at least 40 people, alongside the torture and ill-treatment of 18 detainees.

It said nine of the 20 videos analyzed showed the mutilation of at least eight dead bodies, mostly by people in military uniforms, though some were in plain clothes.

“In all the incidents, detainees appear to be unarmed, posing no threat to their captors, and in several, they are restrained,” Human Rights Watch said.

“Forces from Sudan’s warring parties feel so immune to punishment that they have repeatedly filmed themselves executing, torturing, and dehumanizing detainees, and mutilating bodies,” said Mohamed Osman, HRW’s Sudan researcher.

“These crimes should be investigated as war crimes, and those responsible, including commanders of these forces, should be held to account,” he added.

The rights group called on the warring parties to “privately and publicly order an immediate halt to these abuses and carry out effective investigations.”

It added that the abuses “constitute war crimes” and should be subject to international investigations, including from the UN fact-finding mission for Sudan.

The HRW report coincides with the arrival of UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed in the coastal city of Port Sudan, part of continued efforts to resolve the crisis in the impoverished country.

Since the war erupted last year, it has killed tens of thousands of people, with some estimates of up to 150,000, according to US Sudan envoy Tom Perriello.

Turkiye: ‘We want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria’

Turkiye: ‘We want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria’
Updated 29 August 2024

Turkiye: ‘We want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria’

Turkiye: ‘We want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria’

ISTANBUL: Turkiye’s presence in neighboring Syria is to stop the war-torn country from falling under the sway of terror groups, a Turkish Defense Ministry source said on Thursday after Damascus said a withdrawal of its troops was not a prerequisite for better relations with Ankara.

Turkish forces and Turkiye-backed rebel factions control swaths of northern Syria, and Ankara has launched successive cross-border offensives since 2016, mainly to clear the area of Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces or SDF, which are backed by the US but which it mistrusts.

Turkiye sees the Kurdish People’s Protection Units or YPG, which dominate the SDF, as an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK, which it considers a “terrorist” group.

“Turkiye’s presence in Syria prevents the division of Syrian territory and the creation of a terror corridor there,” the ministry source said

“We want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria, not a Syria plagued by instability and terrorist organizations,” the same source added.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — who had supported rebel efforts to topple Syria’s Bashar Assad — has in recent months sought rapprochement with Damascus, inviting Assad to Turkiye.

Borrell asks EU to consider sanctions on 2 Israeli ministers

Israeli right wing Knesset members Itamar ben Gvir (L) and Bezalel Smotrich (R) chat at the Knesset in Jerusalem. (File/AFP)
Israeli right wing Knesset members Itamar ben Gvir (L) and Bezalel Smotrich (R) chat at the Knesset in Jerusalem. (File/AFP)
Updated 29 August 2024

Borrell asks EU to consider sanctions on 2 Israeli ministers

Israeli right wing Knesset members Itamar ben Gvir (L) and Bezalel Smotrich (R) chat at the Knesset in Jerusalem. (File/AFP)
  • In recent weeks, Borrell publicly criticized Ben-Gvir and Smotrich for statements he has described as “sinister” and “an incitement to war crimes”

BRUSSELS: European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday he has asked the bloc’s members to consider imposing sanctions on two Israeli ministers for “hate messages” against Palestinians, messages that he said broke international law.
He did not name either of the ministers. But in recent weeks he has publicly criticized Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich for statements he has described as “sinister” and “an incitement to war crimes.”
Borrell said EU foreign ministers held an initial discussion about his proposal at a meeting in Brussels on Thursday. He said there was no unanimity — which would be required to impose sanctions — but the debate would continue.
“The ministers will decide. It’s up to them, as always. But the process has been launched,” he told reporters.
He said he had proposed that the Israeli ministers be sanctioned for violations of human rights. EU sanctions generally mean a ban on travel to the bloc and a freeze on assets held in the EU.
Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz accused Borrell of targeting him with false claims that he had called for Palestinians to be displaced from the West Bank. “I oppose the displacement of any population from their homes,” he said.
Diplomats say it is unlikely the EU would find the necessary unanimous agreement among its 27 members to impose sanctions on Israeli government ministers.
But Borrell’s decision to float such a proposal indicates the level of anger among some European officials over the words and actions of some far-right Israeli ministers.
Even ministers from some countries that are strong allies of Israel, such as Germany and the Czech Republic, did not immediately shut down the sanctions discussion in comments to reporters on the sidelines of Thursday’s meeting.
Ireland, one of the EU’s most pro-Palestinian members, said it backed Borrell’s suggestion.
“We will be supporting Josep Borrell’s recommendation for sanctions in respect of settler organizations in the West Bank who are facilitating (the) expansion of settlements, and also to Israeli ministers,” Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said.
But Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani dismissed the idea.
“We have to resolve the problems, convince the Israelis to make the choices that will lead to a ceasefire in Gaza,” he said. “This is the real priority.”

Lebanese relief over decision to extend UNIFIL mandate without modifications

Lebanese relief over decision to extend UNIFIL mandate without modifications
Updated 29 August 2024

Lebanese relief over decision to extend UNIFIL mandate without modifications

Lebanese relief over decision to extend UNIFIL mandate without modifications
  • Mikati thanks US, France for understanding Lebanon’s situation, securing consensus in UN Security Council
  • Israeli airstrikes, artillery shelling, target the vicinity of Hezbollah paramedics center

BEIRUT: Lebanon on Thursday highlighted its commitment to supporting the UN peacekeeping mission, known as UNIFIL.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed its “constant commitment to supporting UNIFIL’s mission and cooperating and coordinating with it to achieve sustainable stability on Lebanon’s southern borders.”

It added: “The primary cornerstone of this is the implementation of UN Resolution 1701 and relevant international resolutions that support the preservation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, call on Israel to withdraw beyond internationally recognized borders and from all Lebanese territories it still occupies, and to stop its ongoing aggressions and violations against Lebanon.”

The statement came after a UN Security Council resolution extended UNIFIL’s mandate for another year in southern Lebanon.

UNIFIL was created to oversee the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon after a 1978 invasion and has been there ever since.

Hostilities have been ongoing since October 2023 between the Israeli army and Hezbollah on the southern front, violating UN Resolution 1701 implemented by UNIFIL on the ground.

All 15 members of the Security Council voted unanimously for the mandate extension without amending any UNIFIL mission, taking into account Lebanon’s demand.

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati thanked the US “for its understanding of Lebanese specificities and its efforts to preserve UNIFIL missions, particularly in these critical circumstances.”

Mikati similarly thanked “France for all the efforts it has made to secure consensus on this matter, and for all that it is exerting for Lebanon and its stability.”

He also thanked “Algeria for leading the campaign to support the extension decision and for always standing by Lebanon in all areas.”

Along with its decision, the Security Council urged “all relevant actors to implement immediate measures toward de-escalation, including those aimed at restoring calm, restraint, and stability across the Blue Line,” calling on everyone “to respect it.”

Mikati renewed Lebanon’s “commitment to implementing relevant international resolutions, in particular Resolution 1701.”

The Charge d’Affaires of the Lebanese Mission to the UN Ambassador Hadi Hachem described the negotiation round leading to the extension decision as “very difficult, as Israel exerted great pressure to limit the extension to four or six months only.

“However, with the consensus of the Security Council and the help of Lebanon’s friends, we were able to secure a one-year extension. The resolution also directly included the call for ‘cessation of hostilities’ and ‘de-escalation by all parties.’

“The key issue we managed to include in the resolution was the reference to humanitarian law and the protection of civilians and children.”

He said that “the unanimous vote by all 15 members on the resolution, in line with Lebanon’s wishes, is a testament to confidence in Lebanon and a clear message of the international community’s interest in its security.”

Following the extension decision, the southern front remained subject to hostilities, which de-escalated relatively last Sunday.

The Israeli army announced on Thursday that it raided Hezbollah military buildings in the border village of Kfarkila and carried out artillery attacks against outposts in Yarine.

Kfarkila witnessed four Israeli raids on Thursday morning that destroyed several houses and damaged the properties of displaced residents.

Israeli raids targeted this afternoon the Kassaret Al-Oroush area in Al-Rihan Mountain.

Israeli artillery shelling also reached the outskirts of Wazzani, Jebbayn, Yarine, Aita Al-Shaab, and Deir Mimas.

Israeli warplanes broke the sound barrier over southern areas and Beirut’s suburbs.

Hezbollah announced in several statements that it “launched an attack with swarms of assault drones on the command headquarters of the 210th Golan Division in the Nafah barracks, targeting the positions and quarters of its officers and soldiers and achieving accurate hits.”

While no casualties were reported on Thursday, the Ministry of Health condemned the Israeli attack that Wednesday night targeted the vicinity of the Blida volunteer center of the civil defense, affiliated with the Hezbollah-linked Islamic Health Organization.

Hezbollah noted in a statement that Israel “insists on targeting health facilities, the latest being the vicinity of the Blida volunteer center, which led to three firefighting and road-clearing vehicles going out of service. The paramedics survived by divine intervention.”

The vicinity of the center was targeted by 155 mm artillery shells after volunteers and their vehicles returned from clearing a road in Mhaibib, following destructive shelling.

Last week, Israeli airstrikes and artillery shelling targeted the organization’s teams in Naqoura.

The Ministry of Health said that “the health teams are performing their humanitarian duty, and targeting them and their facilities is a blatant violation of all conventions, norms, and international laws.”

Israel agrees ‘humanitarian pauses’ in Gaza to allow polio vaccinations

Palestinian boy Abdul Rahman Abu Al-Jidyan is the first person to contract polio in Gaza in 25 years.
Palestinian boy Abdul Rahman Abu Al-Jidyan is the first person to contract polio in Gaza in 25 years.
Updated 29 August 2024

Israel agrees ‘humanitarian pauses’ in Gaza to allow polio vaccinations

Palestinian boy Abdul Rahman Abu Al-Jidyan is the first person to contract polio in Gaza in 25 years.
  • The vaccination campaign is due to start on Sunday, said Rik Peeperkorn, the World Health Organization’s senior official for the region

GAZA: Israel has agreed to a series of three-day “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza to allow UN health officials to administer polio vaccinations in the territory, the World Health Organization said Thursday.
“The way we discussed and agreed, the campaign will start on the first of September, in central Gaza, for three days, and there will be a humanitarian pause during the vaccination,” said Rik Peeperkorn, the agency’s representative for Palestinian territories.
The vaccination rollout will also cover southern and northern Gaza, which will each get their own three-day pauses, Peeperkorn told reporters, adding that Israel had agreed to allow an additional day if required.
Israeli authorities did not immediately respond to AFP’s request for comment, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday night the new measures were “not a ceasefire.”
Hamas said it supports the “UN humanitarian truce.”
The United States and European Union have both voiced concern over polio in Gaza, after the first case there in 25 years was confirmed this month in an unvaccinated 10-month-old baby.
UN agencies have said they plan to provide oral vaccines against type-2 poliovirus (cVDPV2) to more than 640,000 children in the territory.
Poliovirus is highly infectious and most often spread through sewage and contaminated water — an increasingly common problem in Gaza with much of the territory’s infrastructure destroyed by Israel in its war against Hamas.
The disease mainly affects children under the age of five. It can cause deformities and paralysis, and is potentially fatal.