The Al-Khaleej Al-Falak Group celebrated its 25th anniversary in the GCC region with the announcement of a new market strategy aimed at enhancing the group’s strategic Information and Communications Technology (ICT) market share in the region. The occasion was marked by a gala held at Al-Gosaibi Hotel in Alkhobar, attended by the company’s Board of Directors, employees, consultants, clients and key government officials.
Speaking at the occasion, Ahmad Ali Ashadawi, president and CEO, Al-Khaleej Al-Falak Group, said: “We are celebrating 25 successful years of catering to the IT requirements of businesses across the Middle East. The ICT industry in the region, especially in Saudi Arabia has grown tremendously over the last 25 years. Saudi Arabia currently constitutes 60 percent of the entire GCC’s ICT market. More and more businesses are realizing the importance of investing in a strong ICT infrastructure to streamline operations, increase efficiency and bring down costs. Recent studies conducted by the Dubai-based Madar Research Group indicate that the IT market in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC has the potential to reach $8 billion by 2005.
“To prepare ourselves for the increased demand, we are implementing an aggressive strategy for business development and expansion in the GCC. Our growth strategy will focus jointly on development of human skills and the introduction of new and pioneering technology in the region. Our aim is to have a team of highly skilled staff throughout the Gulf region to offer a full range of local support and services to businesses across the region. With this objective in view, the company has set up a Human Resources Division dedicated to recruiting, retraining and developing fully skilled professionals in engineering, computer science, communications, technical, operational, safety and other vocational and academic disciplines.”