Pakistan School Holds Exhibition

Habib Shaikh, Arab News
Publication Date: 
Fri, 2004-04-30 03:00

JEDDAH, 30 April 2004 — The Pakistan International School organized an arts and science fair at the school premises here on Wednesday, inaugurated by Shireen Masood, wife of Pakistan’s Consul General Masood Akhtar.

The charts, paintings and crafts covered the length and breadth of the school.

In the science section students explained an impressive range of subjects, including a solar-powered plane and the Shaheen II missile.

In the arts section, they displayed finger paintings, stained glass dragons, poems, toothpick designs, safaris with toy animals, paintings on glass bottles, mirrors and cloth, and Islamic websites. The students explained their projects to Consul General Akhtar, who was most impressed by the way the exhibition was arranged. “The way it has been put together in such a short time reflects the harmony and affection between students and teachers. The students are confident and enthusiastic, not nervous at all,” he said.

“This institution can become a role model. Despite constraints, the school has been able to carry on admirably well,” he added.

A chart on a wall showing stars wearing sunglasses and caps with the slogan “watch us shine”‚ said it all.

Syed Esar Hussain Shah, principal of the school, said students and teachers had put in “tremendous” efforts to arrange the exhibition, and noted that proceeds from the sale of books and other items would benefit the school.

The largest ever display of Pakistani stamps outside the country (more than 700) forms part of the exhibition. Also on display is a miniature Qur’an, written in Magribi script, printed in Cairo and dating back to 1291H (1874).

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