It appears that Europe has lost the ability to keep its status and dignity before Jewish Zionist pressures. This has led to a European retreat on the political front in the face of Zionist demands. The Jews have succeeded in making a sword out of anti-Semitism. And it is a sword that threatens the necks of Europe and their leaders, despite both Arabs and Jews being Semites. The European-Israeli confrontation that is happening is what compels to me say this and it is a mild expression of a sorrowful reality. Sharon said that French Jews should come live in Israel because France, according to him, is an anti-Semitic country. The French president’s reaction was denouncement, declaring Sharon persona non grata in France.
In turn, Sharon threatened the leaders of Europe. He threatened not to allow their participation in the Middle East peace process because they had approved the ruling of the International Court of Justice regarding the wall as well condemning Israel for building it.
Some may have then expected a harsh confrontation between Israel and Europe but what actually happened was something different. It was a mere difference of opinion rather than any deep disagreement that might result in Europe taking the Arab side.
If we want to address European-Israeli relations, much will have to be reviewed. It begins with Europe’s general relations with Jews and their status in Europe. This must also include how Christian European nations rejected the presence of Jews among them.
They refused to deal with Jews and would not accept the Jews’ refusal to merge with the communities they lived among in addition to not accepting the Jewish desire to control capital. Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” reflects the attitude of Europe in wanting to be rid of Jews. Europe is aware that it is Israel that polarizes all Jews. It is also working against the Arabs’ welfare and serves Western interests.
For example, Germany paid billions of dollars to compensate Israel for what the French writer Jaroudi termed “Holocaust lies.” Czechoslovakia provided support to Jewish gangs in eliminating the Palestinians. As for Austria, it opened its airports and ports to receive those who wanted to immigrate to occupied Palestine. Over the past years, thanks to France, Israel was the only nuclear and military power in the Middle East; in addition, Norway supported them with water.
Whatever the case, looking at European-Israeli relations reveals that Israel, since it was established, was never far from European support at the expense of Arab rights.
For example in regards to the wall, European groups were against returning to the International Court of Justice. European officials clearly stated that the court was not the appropriate place to discuss the matter!
Europe accuses Syria of buying technology for nuclear weapons while at the same time, all European leaders fall dumb when it comes to Israel’s nuclear weapons, even though the weapons threaten Europe as well as all Arab countries.
All that is currently happening between European governments and Israel is a cover-up for a European retreat under Zionist pressures. Therefore it is crucial for Europe to review matters and look into their own priorities. It is also crucial that they be cautious and observant in Zionist interferences in European economies and politics. Do not let history repeat itself.