
Staff Writer
Publication Date: 
Sat, 2004-10-23 03:00

On Oct. 18, 2004, Arab News published an article under the heading “Expat Workers Left High & Dry in Jeddah Compound.”

In particular, assertions were made regarding security and living conditions provided by DIFA to its employees residing in a Jeddah housing compound.

Arab News has subsequently learned that the compound is occupied by the employees of several companies and that security and utilities are not the responsibility of DIFA, but are the responsibility of the compound owners.

Moreover, DIFA has pursued these issues with the compound owners and management who have expeditiously cooperated and rectified the shortcomings.

Arab News has also learned that security in the compound is overseen by Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF).

Our article further addressed late payment of salaries to DIFA employees, where in fact salaries have consistently been paid to employees within contractual deadlines as well as within government requirements as set out in Saudi Labor Law.

Comments were also made regarding payments to DIFA by the Saudi government.

These comments were improperly made without recourse to DIFA or the government and are completely without foundation.

Arab News sincerely regrets any harm or ill feeling that may have been caused to DIFA, its employees or any other party as a result of the article.

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