Game Virus Mutation

Rakan Aksoy | Special to Review
Publication Date: 
Sat, 2004-10-30 03:00

This week it’s been kind of hectic, as I had to finish both Jedi Knights, and Eternal Darkness by the week’s deadline. The week saw me meeting friends and playing other games (Mainly Winning Eleven). I got thrashed by most of my friends, and realized that they were beating me coz of the camera. So I made this All-Stars team where I bought some of the best players around and beat anybody who played with me.

Game Cube Review: Eternal Darkness

Publisher Nintendo

Developer Nintendo/Silicon Knights

I have to say I am blown away by this game. At first I thought how the graphics are kind of sucky, but as you progress through the levels the graphics and chaos in the game steadily gets better and better. So don’t judge the game at the first glance. The game isn’t for the gamers who would play it for just 2 hours and put it down. For this game you need to invest your time, I would say around 30 or 40 hours of game play. The game isn’t exactly over when it’s over, for there are three colors to choose from early in the game, and if a person finishes the game three times he/she would get some cool stuff at the end, I personally haven’t had the time to finish the game three times but I am working on it. I love this game and I hear nothing but praise from other people who played the game, but at times I find it very frustrating.

The puzzles just leave you so you can figure stuff out by yourself. It’s kind of throwing you in a pool and expecting you to learn how to swim. You do figure out the puzzles in the end, and you won’t question the stupidity of the puzzles. It’s just that I was going around for an hour with no progress in the game, then I figured out the thing I needed was right there in front of me. Other than the boring/amusing times where you don’t know exactly what to do the game is awesome all around. In my opinion it’s the second best game on the Cube, after Smash Bros, and tied with Resident Evil, since RE has better graphics. The game won’t make you jump from fright like RE, but you might say it can be more creepy, if you go insane and stay insane, you hear voices of people crying, screaming, whispering, you see blood flowing from the walls, and see hallucinations. The graphics could have been better, but since it originally was a N64 game I guess it’s okay. I have no other critique of the game and if you are a Cube owner it’s a must buy.

Chances the puzzles will annoy you to insanity 100%

Reason to play this game for 30 hours? The story comes together as you play with the different people, so if you play on the experience gets better and better, as it won’t leave you in the dark (in games like Devil May Cry).

Visuals 7.8 | Sound 9.5 | Score 9.2

PC: Star Wars Jedi Knights 2 Out Cast

Publisher Lucas Arts

Developer Lucas Arts

I am a fan for the whole Star Wars concept and I play a lot of FPS with friends, so the combination was some sort of a dream come true. I played a bit of the first Jedi Knights so I can’t compare the two. A few comments on the game, Lets start with the name, which is one freakin huge name for a game. I mean couldn’t they just name it Jedi Knights 2? The graphics are pretty good on my computer and it depends on what kind of computer you have. If you have a P4 with 256MB of RAM with a 64Mb 3D Accelerator then you are in for a damn cool experience. The weapons aren’t really that impressive, as I prefer the weapons in Aliens VS. Predators or in Half Life. But once you get that Light Saber you’re going to forget all about the laser weapons and just reflect stuff with the LS and have some fun Slicing and Dicing.

I played some of the Multiplayer games and I like it, but don’t expect it to replace a game like Counter Striker or Yuri’s Revenge, but for Star Wars’ fans it’s more than what they would ask for. So if you enjoy FPSs and Star Wars there isn’t a better game for you. Even if you are a Star Wars fan, but you don’t like FPSs, switch your screen to Third Person View (TPV), as the game itself is half FPS and half, Third Person, because once you’re equipped the Light Saber switches to TPV.

Graphics 9 | Sound 8.4 | Lasting Appeal 8.8 | Score 9.2

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