DHAKA, 2 January 2005 — Abul Kashem, the Bangladeshi truck driver who was abducted by an Iraqi guerrilla group fighting the US and British troops in their homeland, returned home to a hero’s welcome in Dhaka on Friday.
“I feel I am reborn,” said Kashem expressing his gratitude to the Almighty Allah in an emotion-choked voice as reporters surrounded him at the landing of the Zia International Airport. A large number of people had assembled outside the airport to greet him.
He expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia and all other concerned for their efforts to get him released.
Kashem and his Sri Lankan colleague were released after 55 days of confinement.
While in captivity, the 45-year-old truck driver saw two of his Iraqi inmates gunned down for their collaboration with the “foreign occupation troops”.
Bangladesh Ambassador to Kuwait Nazrul Islam Khan accompanied Kashem as a Biman flight brought him back home two week’s after the Islamic Army or Mujahidin group handed him over to a rights activist in Iraq.
Cameras flashed when Kashem took and hugged his two-year old daughter, who was asleep in her mother’s lap at the VIP lounge. “I am very happy,” Kashem’s wife told newsmen earlier.