JEDDAH, 23 February 2005 — Saudi Olympian Hadi Souan will lead participants at the 4th Jeddah Charity Marathon on March 2. The marathon is being organized by the Ministry of Education and the Al-Bir Charity Association.
“The race is considered the Kingdom’s largest in short and middle distances,” Souan said yesterday.
Souan, a medalist in the 400 m run at the Sydney Olympics, has urged citizens and expatriates to participate in the race “The race is a great way to enjoy the health benefits of running while having fun, and helping and supporting this year’s fund-raising goal of purchasing computers for a number of Saudi schools,” Souan added.
He said he felt this race could earn international recognition, as this year marks the first time runners participating in it will be clocked electronically by special electronic chips “ChampionChip” affixed to each runner. The chips allow competitors to be monitored to ensure compliance with race regulations and on course. “A safe course has been plotted,” he said hoping that the weather would cooperate to help the organizers reach their fund-raising goal.
He expressed his appreciation of the Al-Bir Charity Society, Directorate of Education and other supporting agencies for giving sport enthusiasts a chance to take part in a sport he loves.
Meanwhile, the organizers have launched a marathon website which can be reached at . The site features online registration as well as a lot of other useful information covering the various aspects of the marathon.
“The marathon website makes it easy for participants to register to run,” Race Supervisor Talal Khalid Idriss said.
Idriss said the website contained an online entry form along with full information about the race and its stages, including Jeddah registration office locations and deadlines.
“The site also features detailed information about the electronic chip, ChampionChip, which will be used for the first time this year and full chip timed results will be available online immediately after the race,” he added.