Nutrients are invaluable to the body, but what happens if the body is unable to absorb them? They will be washed out leaving no benefits. Enzymes are substances that facilitate nutrient utilization in the body. These chemical compounds break down food into minute particles for digestion and assimilation. Through enzymes, protein becomes amino acids; carbohydrates turn to sugar; and fat breaks down into fatty acids. The digestive juices from the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines do this job in the digestive tract.
In order to make enzymes, we need nutrients. The more we supply our body with nutrients the more enzymes we produce which, in turn, supply us with more nutrients. Nutrients act like catalysts to aid the process of digestion and absorption. For instance, without zinc we are unable to make stomach acid and protein-digesting enzymes, leaving undigested particles to penetrate the body. This results into food allergies and inflammations. Enzyme deficiency leads to food allergies, indigestion, flatulence, pain, colitis, yeasts, and digestive disorders.
The essential enzymes needed for the breakdown of food are amylases to digest carbohydrates; proteases for protein; and lipases for fat. With age, our natural digestive enzyme supply decreases, reducing our ability to absorb nutrients. Hence, those who are deficient in natural enzymes are advised to take digestive supplements to aid digestion for some time until they build their own. There are several enzyme supplements. The better known ones are bromelain extracted from pineapple and papain from papaya to replace digestive pepsin.
Meanwhile, there are other natural ways of boosting enzymatic digestive juices.
Eating raw vegetables increases digestive enzymes as they are a good source of both nutrients and enzymes. When raw vegetables are chewed properly, the mouth releases enzymes to blend with food, initiating the process of digestion. Such digestive substances increase the protective microflora, lessening incidents of fermentation and putrefaction of food in the intestines, a condition related to cancer.
Some plants inhibit the good effects of enzymes. Unless they are presoaked and thoroughly cooked, certain legumes like lentils, beans and chickpeas have enzyme blockers that prevent protein breakdown, resulting in painful bloating and gases. Phytates in grains give the same aftereffects and also attach to important minerals deterring their absorption.
With overnight soaking, sprouting and adequate cooking, their harmful effects are neutralized. The main enzymes (amylase, protease) are available in most raw foods with the help of proper chewing, which causes the release of digestive enzymes. Fruits, too, contain enzymatic chemicals. Apples, grapes and mangoes have antioxidant enzymes, peroxidase and catalase which prevent free radical damage to cells.
Enzymes in plants are destroyed by heat. For this reason, fruit and vegetables are best eaten raw, lightly steamed, or in the form of fresh juice. Additionally, chewing enhances the release of enzymes in food.
The following fresh foods contain multiple enzymes good to digest protein, carbohydrates and fat and to disarm oxidized cells. Eggs take the lead, because they contain all the important enzymes, amylase, protease, lipase, peroxidase and catalase.
The others follow according to their importance of enzyme content: mushrooms, cereal grasses, microalgae, pineapple, noncommercial raw honey, raw unpasteurized milk, kidney beans, wheat, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, soybeans, apples, bananas, cabbage, grapes, mangoes and rice. These living foods release enzymes when they are well chewed.
Keep in mind, no one nutrient by itself can cure a disease or maintain health without the support of the others. They all work in a synergy to provide optimum health. Hence, it takes a mixture of a variety of fresh organic living foods like fruit and vegetables to supply you with all the essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes and phytochemicals. Your body needs them all in the proper ratios to make energy, fight disease, maintain hormonal balance, detoxify the various body systems, disarm free radicals, nourish cells, enhance health, and promote longevity.
There is no better way to outdo nature.
In the Qur’an, Allah reminds us by saying, “He causes crops to grow for you, and olive trees, and date palms and grapes, and all [other] kinds of fruit: in this, behold, there is a message indeed for people who think” (Chapter 16, verse 11).
(Mariam Alireza is a holistic science specialist. Send comments to [email protected].)