Turbolinux (www.turbolinux.com) has announced the general availability of a Linux-based OS called Turbolite 2005, which has been designed to support used, older and refurbished PCs. Using the top ranked Linux OS Turbolinux 10 Desktop as its base, Turbolite 2005 contains all essential functions required for a desktop PC, including a Web browser, e-mail, Flash content and streaming application capabilities.
Turbolite 2005 will be supplied by partner companies dealing with used PCs. Turbolinux will customize the OS and peripheral devices/mainframe and also provide a high-grade service that supports from closedown to asset maintenance.
Turbolite 2005 Hardware Requirements:
*Notebook PC Intel Celeron 700MHz (750MHz recommended), Memory 64MB (128MB recommended), HDD 10GB (15GB recommended).
*Desktop PC Intel Celeron 500MHz (600MHz recommended), Memory 64MB (128MB recommended), HDD 10GB (15GB recommended). More than 256MB memory is recommended for Office users.