JEDDAH, 13 June 2006 — In order to stimulate the Saudi drama scene the Society of Arts and Culture in Jeddah is soon to hold its second annual scriptwriting competition. Three winners are set not only to receive prizes, but also more excitingly be able to see their scripts dramatized by the society’s drama troupe.
Organizers say one of the main aims of holding the competition is to provide a platform for writers to send in their scripts and thereby enable the organizers to build up a bank and encourage drama writing in the Kingdom.
There are no colleges or institutes in Saudi Arabia that teach drama and most plays that are performed here are done by amateurs who write, act and even direct their own plays.
“We hope to accept scripts from all over the world, as long as they’re written in Arabic,” said Abdullah Bahattab, manager of the drama section at the society. Organizers say “Children” and “Social Issues” are the two themes of this year’s competition. The Society of Arts and Culture has said that themes should not run contrary to the Islamic values of Saudi Arabia.
“Sometimes we receive splendid works but unfortunately they revolve around non-Islamic values that cannot really be performed on a local stage,” said Bahattab.
Scriptwriter Abbas Al-Hayek from Qatif has a different opinion of such competitions. Though he appreciates such efforts he prefers not to participate. “There are many restrictions in expressing one’s thoughts in the scripts,” he said. Al-Hayek added that he is not as much concerned with the social issues that seem to be the prevalent themes of such competitions. “My writings are more related to global issues,” he said. Al-Hayek said the winning scripts should not only be performed on stage but they should also be published in book form to make them accessible to interested people.
In order to fill the gap in drama writing, Al-Hayek is holding a workshop in Qatif beginning on June 17. “Lots of youths feel like writing plays and have the ability but lack the knowledge of rules and etiquette of scriptwriting. I’m hoping to address such issues in the five-day workshop.”
The Society of Arts and Culture will be receiving scripts for the competition until Nov. 24. Entries should be sent to P.O. Box 941 Jeddah 21421, or fax 6729061.