MAKKAH, 20 April 2007 — In order to create awareness among members of the public about the difficulties experienced by wheelchair users, the Disabled Children’s Association in Makkah recently organized an event entitled “Try the Wheelchair Out,” which was held at the Makkah Municipality headquarters.
Makkah Mayor Osama ibn Fadl Al-Bar and Deputy Mayor Ahmad ibn Ali Bayazid were among the individuals who tried out the wheelchairs. “This program is aimed to show people the difficulties that disabled people experience. It has made healthy people thank Allah and value their good health,” said Al-Bar, adding that the municipality welcomed the experience.
Al-Bar also expressed admiration at the efforts of the Disabled Children’s Association to help disabled people and teach them how to make the most of their lives in spite of their disabilities. He added that the “Try the Wheelchair Out” program is just one of many successful programs that the association has held.