IN the parched and destitute section of an inner city neighborhood, an oasis was born. An oasis that has since its inceptions given hope and pride to the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. This gem of an oasis is called Faisal’s Sports Park; built and donated to the residents of the neighborhood by the Zahid family in loving memory of their son Faisal.
During his lifetime, Faisal was a passionate player and follower of the game of basketball. His messages to his family conveyed his resolve that he would want to see more of his countrymen follow this sport that he loved. The park is one step toward bringing those passions into reality. It offers basketball, volleyball and soccer facilities, along with recreation areas for the younger set.
To make Faisal’s legacy a reality however, a team spearheaded by the dynamic committee of Friends of Jeddah Parks (FJP) took helm of the project and with a voluntary advisory group of specialists, and lots of hard work and bureaucratic follow-ups with Jeddah Municipality, Faisal’s Park came into being on March 31, 2007. Along the way, the mayor of Jeddah played a major catalytic role in bringing this dream together.
I was invited recently to observe a weeklong coaching clinic undertaken by the Jeddah United Sports Company (JUSC) as part of their community service commitment. Although the long drive to that part of the city may have initially discouraged the lazy me, the event was well worth the effort.
What I saw was a bustling and vibrant sports facility open to all and sundry, irrespective of nationality. There were Saudis, Nigerians, Yemenis, Sudanese, Chadians and a host of other nationalities all dropping in to partake of the bounties at this oasis surrounded by the concrete blocks of apartment buildings and warehouses. Admission is free, but unruly behavior will send someone immediately off.
A full-time manager and three assistants manage the park. In talking to them, I remarked on the well-kept appearance of this park despite the unkempt and shabby surroundings. “It’s simple,” replied the manager. “We gave the resident users the option. Keep it clean and it is yours to use forever. Destroy it, and you have none other. And believe me, these kids take pride in this facility.”
Upon my arrival I also noted the presence of Cees Samba, the tall and imposing Senegalese coach for the Ittihad Club Juniors. He had dropped in to volunteer his coaching services to the kids at the behest of Umar Abdul Salam, the head coach for the JUSC. There was also Shingeeti Both Diu, a Sudanese coaching volunteer who lives in the neighborhood and who puts in three days a week toward helping out.
I had a good chat with Eyad Fadul, the executive manager of Friends of Jeddah Park who filled me in on the workings of his organization. It is a voluntary one comprising skilled and talented professionals dedicated to putting a park in a very inner city neighborhood so to speak. As Eyad elaborated, the mission statement of FJP is to inspire hope and ambition in our communities especially among the underprivileged.
And seeing the looks on some of the kids who were there that day benefiting from some structured coaching from skilled professionals, I must declare that the mission statement was well covered. Since its inception, there are statistical facts that indicate that Faisal’s Park has contributed to a drop in the crime rate in the neighborhood.
FJP does not intend to rest on its laurels. It has been pursuing the goal of adding seven parks in such neighborhoods this year. And remember, this is all from volunteers who are spending their own time and money on such a noble cause. This is how they do it:
• By raising awareness;
• By obtaining suitable plots of land;
• By obtaining funding;
• By designing the facilities and;
• By educating and creating sustainable spaces.
They are located at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and can be reached at 657-9572. I urge all those hesitant do-gooders to reach out and contact someone within this organization and volunteer your support, be it monetary or otherwise. The smile on the faces of those children from all impoverished walks of life, and the hopes that such facilities provides them will make it all worth it.
As for the staff of JUSC who sponsored the clinic that was so well received by the inner-city children and meant so much to them, an honorable mention must go to JUSC Managing Director Obaid Madani, Head Coach Umar Abdul Salam, Amin Bahartha, Mohammed Hilmi, Fouad Saggaf, Samir Alwasiya and Tamer Kafaji.
Included in the coaching team were Ittihad player Jaber Al-Shamrani, Ahli player Ahmed Barnawi and volunteers from the Jeddah United Boys Group of Ahmed and Amin Zahid, Mohammed Sha’been and Omar and Ammar Naseef.
Remember, we all dream about doing something good for others. Only some of us take it a few steps further and actually achieve it. Friends of Jeddah Parks have shown us the light.