When your body feels tired the natural reaction is that it needs food for energy. If you are really tired, this can take the form of a sugar fix, but sugary foods are addictive and so you can end up with a sugar fix habit. Lack of energy can also lead to picking up junk food, which is not good for the body. Decide to give your body real, natural positive energy.
Vitality Vitamins
Much of the food we eat is often tired. It has traveled a very long way and it will probably have been treated with preservatives to extend its life. So make sure that you take a good quality multivitamin like Permea Plus every day to boost your immune system.
Begin Your Day With Exercise
Exercise breeds energy. The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. In the morning exercise for 20 minutes before you hit the shower. It will get your circulation moving and it also keeps you fit and toned, making you feel positive for the day ahead. Send off for my Mini-Morning Workout at [email protected] — I even have an exercise routine that you can do in bed, so there really is no excuse!
Eat Cereals
Forget toast for breakfast — eat cereals. The right ones are full of B vitamins and are a great start to the day. Try muesli with skimmed milk and plain yoghurt, or porridge, or shredded wheat — any unadulterated, natural cereal.
Drink Water
Your body loves water and really needs it. Drinking coffee and juice is simply not enough — your body requires 8 glasses of pure, natural water and without it you will feel tired and have headaches.
Five Portions of Fruit and Vegetables
Dump the junk and give your body lots of real food that contains energy from the earth — not man-made chemicals. Fruit and vegetables protect your body form disease.
Exercise Hint
Walk at Work
There are many ways to sneak in exercise during the day. One simple way is to increase the amount of walking you do while working. Have the need to speak with a fellow worker? Instead of picking up the telephone or sending an email, walk over to his or her work area and discuss the matter in person. Doing this several times per day can add up to quite a bit of exercise.
Recipe of the Week
Pan-Seared Hamour with Lemon-Herb Mayonnaise
Serves 6
1/2 cup fat free mayonnaise
zest and juice of a lemon
3 tsp. finely chopped tarragon
3 tsp. finely chopped shallots
6 Hamour fillets, about 6 ounces each
salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Combine the mayonnaise, lemon zest, lemon juice, tarragon, and shallots in a small bowl. (This can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator.) Season the halibut fillets with salt and pepper. Heat the oil over medium-high heat in a large non-stick skillet. Add the Hamour fillets and sear the fillets for 4 to 6 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Serve each fillet with a dollop of lemon-herb mayonnaise.
Slimming Lifestyle
Nuts About Nuts
Do you love nuts? Well, one way you can cut down on your nut consumption is to purchase nuts that are still in the shell as opposed to ones that have already been shelled for you. The reason for this is that it takes time and effort to shell nuts and so you will most likely eat less in a given period of time.
Ask Alva
I am 43 and my hair has definitely become thinner, all over my head. I don’t have any bald patches but I am worried that I soon will. Priti
Hair growth can be a reflection of your general health and being unwell, stressed or tired can all take their toll. Hair also becomes more fragile as you get older, so treat it gently. In women in their forties, a common reason for your problem is iron deficiency, usually caused by heavy periods. The lowest normal level for iron in the blood is 20 mcg per liter but for good hair growth experts say it should be at least 50. Alva
For all your weight concerns and questions e-mail Alva Carpenter at:
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