MINA, 6 December 2007 — Top traffic officers yesterday unveiled a plan, organizing the movement of more than 2.5 million pilgrims between the holy sites of Makkah, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah during Haj.
Addressing a news conference in Mina, Maj. Gen. Fahd Al-Bishr, director general of the traffic department, said the Haj traffic plan was prepared earlier this year to avoid shortcomings when the time for its implementation came.
“This year’s Haj traffic plan is similar to last year’s,” he said.
The press conference was also attended by Brig. Sulaiman Al-Ajlan, commander of traffic in Arafat, Col. Muhammad Al-Qahtani, commander in Muzdalifah, Col. Abdul Rahman Al-Muqbil, commander in Mina, and Col. Ahmed Al-Otaibi, director of Makkah traffic.
Al-Bishr said the Haj traffic plan was devised to ensure a smooth flow of buses carrying pilgrims as well as the transportation of essential commodities to the holy sites. The traffic plan for the holy sites will be implemented on Dhul Hijjah 1. He added that the King Faisal Bridge in Muzdalifah would be kept open — for the benefit of Makkah residents — to vehicles carrying more than nine passengers until Dhul Hijjah 7. After that it will be closed until Dhul Hijjah 10.
Al-Bishr called on individuals, who have not obtained Haj permits, not to head for Makkah and other holy sites in order to help those who have come from abroad and those who have obtained permits to perform their religious duties comfortably.
Meanwhile, Rtd. Col. Muhammad Zakariya Al-Jouhargy, president of the General Car Syndicate, said his organization had made arrangements for the transportation of 1.5 million pilgrims to Makkah and Madinah, and other sacred places.
“Our operation plan began on Shawwal 8 and will continue until the end of Muharram 1429H,” he told Arab News. Al-Jouhargy said transportation companies associated with the syndicate would provide 16,000 buses this year, in addition to 500 rented buses, adding that 17,473 drivers have been recruited.
“At the end of each year, we evaluate the whole performance in order to learn from past mistakes and build on positive achievements,” he added. He said the Car Syndicate was coordinating with other departments as part of efforts to provide the best possible service to the guests of God.
The syndicate will, this year, also use a computer system for the first time to organize the transportation of pilgrims by buses. “We have adopted a new mechanism to speed up the transportation of pilgrims from the Haj Terminal at King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah.”
The syndicate also activated its main office on Madinah Road to monitor buses coming from Madinah and their drivers. Also for the first time, an emergency center in Makkah has been established to ensure buses are roadworthy before heading for Arafat. “We have launched a training program, entitled ‘No Accidents,’ for drivers this year. The aim is to reduce accidents by cautioning drivers,” he said.