It seems as if most women — and even young girls nowadays — enjoy having a designer handbag or even a copy.
But what is the truth behind this current craze for designer handbags? Why are women so obsessed with these designer accessories? And why are they so often ready to pay such a high price for a bag? New handbags are constantly appearing on the market and even reputable fashion houses such as Gucci, Prada and Dior launch original designs every year.
A designer handbag is in fact no different from a lesser known brand; they both have the same purpose, namely to hold a woman’s possessions such as the ubiquitous mobile phone, makeup, money, perfume, etc. A designer handbag, however. unlike its non-designer counterpart, is an object of ardent desire. The carefully chosen publicity campaign surrounding the designer handbag conditions women to believe it is a “must have” item. Moreover, its expensive price makes it a precious accessory whose status approaches that of a jewel. A woman who carries a designer handbag is not only satisfied but also proud to show off such a unique and expensive accessory.
Handbags were first mentioned in written literature in the 14th century and the term “handbag” came into use in the early 1900’s. This handy accessory has since then never gone out of fashion.
Handbags come in countless designs to suit any event. There are many styles of handbags on the market today such as casual handbags, professional handbags, evening handbags, summer handbags, beach handbags and winter handbags. Some bags are functional and others not so practical; this is the case with the clutch bag.
The clutch bag has been, for a long time, the ideal bag to use with an evening outfit. The clutch, however, is making an impressive come back as a daytime accessory — as it used to be in the 1940’s.
The on-going handbag craze is behind the renewed interest in the clutch. Women are changing their perception of the clutch, a reaction to the oversized tote. Tired of carrying bags on their shoulders, they are presently enjoying the possibility of sporting gorgeous clutch bags during the day.
Tamara Mellon, the creative drive behind the trendy Jimmy Choo, is one of the most well- known clutch enthusiasts. She feels that every modern woman should have a clutch bag. A designer clutch handbag can be easily held in the hand or placed discreetly under the arm. Most clutch bags also have a stylish chain which enables one to wear it on the shoulder. Following the renewed interest in the clutch, a number of stunning clutch bags have appeared on the market. Some fashionistas even prefer to buy clutch bags from niche companies which have a limited distribution. They enjoy having a bag whose label is not immediately recognizable.
As a result of this global interest in designer handbags and the constant demand for new shapes and ideas, new designers are making their debuts non-stop on the fashion scene. As long as women are ready to buy or to dream of possessing a designer handbag, magazines will keep on publishing suggestive ads with celebrities sporting the latest “must have” bag.
This fashion accessory is here to stay and the phenomenal interest in it shows no sign of abating.The popularity of designer handbags has triggered a profitable industry of good quality replicas and poorly-made fakes. Many women who are tempted to purchase a copy should be warned not to enter France or Italy with a false Louis Vuitton, Gucci or any other well-known brand. I have known women who have been caught by the French customs with their fake designer handbags. They have been so embarrassed that they have vowed never to buy a fake again. I have even known proud owners of insanely expensive bags who enjoy embarrassing their friends by telling them they have bought a copy!
My advice is not to buy a fake if you cannot afford the real designer handbag. In every country, there are talented designers who make beautiful bags whose shape and quality can rival any Vuitton or Gucci handbag and their price is far more reasonable.