BURAIDAH: A foreign woman, with the help of her 16-year-old son, doused her husband with petrol and set him on fire in Onaiza, some 25 kilometers south of Buraidah, police said yesterday. The victim died at King Saud Hospital in the central Saudi city.
Maj. Fahd ibn Ali Al-Habdan, spokesman for Qassim police, told Arab News that the mother and son were charged with the crime. He added that both the woman and her husband were from Chad.
“The son took hold of the man while his mother poured petrol on his face and body and set him alight after a family squabble,” Al-Habdan said, adding that a Saudi passerby who saw the victim running for help managed to put out the flames. A Saudi Red Crescent ambulance took him to King Saud Hospital where he died of the injuries and burns.
Police have taken the woman into custody while the boy has been sent to a juvenile center, Al-Habdan said.