TEHRAN: A senior military commander warned yesterday that any attack on Iran would start a new world war, as Tehran pressed on with its controversial nuclear drive despite the risk of further UN sanctions.
“Any aggression against Iran will start a world war,” deputy chief of staff for defense publicity, Brig. Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, said in a statement carried by the state news agency IRNA.
Iran is under international pressure to halt uranium enrichment, a process which lies at the core of fears about Iran’s nuclear program as it can make nuclear fuel as well as the fissile core of an atom bomb.
“The unrestrained greed of the US leadership and global Zionism ... is gradually leading the world to the edge of a precipice,” Jazayeri said, citing the unrest in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan and Georgia.
“It is evident that if such a challenge occurs, the fake and artificial regimes will be eliminated before anything,” he said, without naming any countries.
Iran does not recognize Israel, which is often described by officials in Tehran as a “fake regime” and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has provoked international outrage saying it should be wiped off the map.
Another top military commander said Iran was prepared to “take the enemies off-guard” and would unveil more weapons in case of an attack.
“Some of the equipment of our armed forces have been announced but there are important things hidden whose effect would be shown on the day (of any attack),” deputy army commander Abdolrahim Mousavi told Fars news agency.
“Offensives are part of the strategy of defense and if a country confines itself to its borders it has set a limit and eliminated part of its capability,” he said. During war games in July which stoked international concern, aides to the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that Iran would target US bases and US ships in the Gulf as well as Israel if it was attacked.