Ever since they joined the work force, Saudi women have demonstrated self-confidence, professionalism and an ability to face challenges, overcome obstacles and contribute to the development of society. So the appointment of a Saudi woman as a deputy minister is the fruit of our collective efforts and a precious reward for decades of dedication and hard work; it is a source of joy. The trust placed in Mrs. Nora bint Abdullah Al-Fayez by the highest authority in the country is an honor shared by all Saudi workingwomen.
The majority of Saudis are thrilled at the crack that suddenly and unexpectedly has appeared in what had been a permanent ceiling. A small minority, I know, tends to regard the appointment as a step that has come a little too late. They doubt the appointment will have a positive impact on the education of girls and believe it is the first and last reward Saudi women will receive!
One wonders why a few people view happy occurrences through a dark lens and prefer to see the glass as half empty instead of half full.
Westerners, to whom the appointment of a Saudi woman deputy minister is an unimportant step, are not to blame. They know little about Saudi Arabia. Saudis who underestimate the significance of the appointment and regard it as the epilogue, not the prologue to a happy story have neither witnessed the birth of girls’ education in our county nor seen the rapid strides our society has made. Sixty percent of our population is under the age of twenty-five. If they take a bird’s eye view of things, both Westerners and young Saudis might imagine the daunting challenges Saudi workingwomen confronted and the great obstacles they overcame in the past and appreciate the support they are currently receiving from the government and from society.
It was not until the late fifties of the last century that the first formal school for girls opened in Saudi Arabia. Great efforts were made to introduce and develop girls’ education and to stamp out the horrific rate of illiteracy among Saudi women then.
The first groups of women who joined the work force did not lack ambition. They were not pleased when they were not invited to express their views on issues of direct concern to them. They were frustrated when, on those rare occasions their views were sought, their opinions were disregarded. Nevertheless, they did not complain and did not object. Was it because they knew their voices would not be heard or because they were afraid if they complained, their professional careers would be nipped in the bud? Who knows?
What we know for sure is that they had patience, optimism, self-confidence and wisdom. They realized that as working females, they were a new phenomenon in a traditional society. They were sure before long their work would be accepted and their efforts supported. They knew that in due course their contributions would be appreciated, their participation welcomed, their views sought and respected and their dedication and professionalism recognized and rewarded.
Two and three decades ago Saudi workingwomen faced challenges and difficulties unknown to today’s young generation. Many stumbled while walking on a rough, unpaved road. In a few cases, highly qualified women had no option but to build a career away from home after their paths had been artificially blocked.
The significance of the appointment of a Saudi woman as minister can only be appreciated if we go back in history two or three decades. The limited number of professions that were open to women and the scarcity of relatively senior positions that women could occupy promoted a work climate in which solidarity could not be achieved. Thus when a woman was promoted to a coveted position, she did not expect her colleagues to celebrate her good fortune. By cheering and celebrating the appointment of Al-Fayez and by praying to God for her success, Saudi women have truly proved they have achieved solidarity and reached professional maturity.
The Qur’an instructs us to be grateful to the Almighty for His generous gifts and teaches us that if we thank Him for His bounty, His blessings to us will increase. We Saudi women thank God for the contributions we have made and the gift we have recently received. We pray for more achievements and further progress in the near future.