Sixty-nine years ago on this day, Muslims of the subcontinent resolved to achieve a homeland of their own where they could live in accordance with their religious beliefs and culture and intellectual inspirations.
On this day, the democratic struggle for Pakistan was launched under the farsighted and inspiring leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Praise be to Allah that the resolute effort of the people was crowned with success within a short period of seven years.
While we celebrate this memorable achievement, we must also remember the unprecedented sacrifices of our forefathers for a strong, progressive and forwarded-looking independent Islamic welfare state, where they could build an enlightened, tolerant and moderate society that ensures social justice and equal opportunities to all its citizens, irrespective of their caste, creed, color and gender.
Our democratically elected government is committed to strengthening the democratic order to achieve these objectives. We shall continue to fight the evils of extremism, sectarianism and terrorism that slow down our march toward achievement of these goals. With all the strength at our command, we will strive to make Pakistan rise in the comity of nations.
I would also like to remind you that in the present environment, it is all the more imperative for us to place our national unity and integrity above any other consideration. Let us forge unity among our ranks and maintain discipline in every aspect of our individual and collective lives. Let petty differences be subordinated to higher values of life, which demand Unity, Faith and Discipline.
May Allah grant us strength and perseverance to remain united and devoted to the well-being of Pakistan and its people.