Baby boom can’t be helped by charity

Arab News
Publication Date: 
Tue, 2009-03-24 03:00

JAZAN: The US has “Octomom” — a single woman who had six children, then went for fertility treatment and had eight more, then admitted to the world that she couldn’t afford to support 14 children and now relies on charity and public assistance. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has an 80-year-old man who applied for public assistance because, according to him, he can’t afford to support the “many” children he’s sired and the many grandchildren his children have fathered. A local daily reported yesterday that the man unsuccessfully applied for public welfare through a program aimed at helping young newly married Saudis set up their homes. When the claims receiver balked at his petition, the old man replied that his current wife is 20, so at least she should be eligible for the free money. After some spirited debate, the man walked away empty-handed, with (so he claimed) many mouths to feed.

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