JEDDAH: Police are commissioned “to serve and protect” the public. Now the environment is getting the same treatment under a new proposal.
The Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) announced on Tuesday that police precincts across the country will be receiving so-called “environmental guards” who will be charged with enforcing environmental laws.
These guardians of green will act as inspectors, ensuring environmental standards, according to the PME. They are scheduled to be on the street within a year. “We are currently stu-dying the matter with our partners in the Interior Ministry,” said PME President Prince Turki bin Nasser. “We are planning to launch the operation next year.”
The PME also announced it would be inspecting gas stations to ensure they are complying with standards to help reduce environmental pollution from leaks. “Over the past two years we have studied the damage inflicted on the environment by service stations in the Kingdom,” said Prince Turki.
According to the government studies, leaks in tanks used to store gas and oil has resulted in groundwater pollution. The oil leaks has affected farms, water wells neighboring lands and citizens’ health in the surrounding areas.
“We received many complaints from citizens and government bodies on this matter,” Prince Turki said.
Other findings of the investigation revealed that many service stations in the Kingdom resorted to illegal dumping of used oil and other hazardous waste, said Prince Turki. For example, burned engine oil removed from vehicles is often dumped indiscriminately instead of treated appropriately.
“Partnership and cooperation between the private and government sector is essential in achieving sustainable development,” said Prince Turki. After taking up the matter with the Ministry of Interior, the PME came up with the following decisions:
• Gas stations will be subjected to a mandatory annual inspection by PME inspectors.
• Gas stations are required to bore wells that inspectors will use to collect nearby groundwater samples.
• Gas stations are required to present their environmental record sheet upon each inspection.
• Stations that pass inspections will be given certificates and be required to keep them and present them on official demand. The certificates are required to remain in business.
• The competent body for gas station inspections will be the Civil Defense.