JEDDAH: Three of the four men who have been arrested in connection to the Mazen Abdul Jawad incident, where a Saudi man bragged about his sexual escapades on an LBC program last month, have had the charges against them outlined.
However, the Investigation and Prosecution Commission (IPC) has not yet disclosed the charges. A source inside the IPC told Arab News on Sunday that prosecutors have completed investigating the three men, including Abdul Jawad.
“The accusation against the prime suspect (Mazen Abdul Jawad) has been determined and included in the list of charges,” the source said.
The fourth man, who was arrested at the airport in Jeddah last week has not yet been fully investigated. The names of the three men who appeared on the program with Abdul Jawad have not been disclosed. The three men whose files have been prepared are scheduled to go before a judicial panel this week. The case is expected to go to trial soon.
Abdul Jawad could be facing charges of publicizing vice (making public one's sinful behavior) or even face a more serious charge of promoting sinful behavior, a crime roughly akin to committing sedition against society. However, specific charges have yet to be disclosed publicly by prosecutors.
The Ministry of Culture and Information closed the Saudi offices of Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) in Jeddah on Saturday for operating without a license.