I hope you enjoyed your summer leave, and are back and ready to make a fresh start.
From the letters I receive, I can see a certain keenness to get back on track and take up healthy eating and get back into exercise. Renewed vigor and extra determination. If you are like me, all the relaxation and socializing during the summer vacation means an extra kilo or two. This is only natural in the cycle of things. So let’s get ready to think about making changes. Start the day well, but before you do anything else, drink a nice detoxifying glass of hot water with a slice of lemon. Then take a few minutes to exercise in the privacy of your bedroom. Start with some stretching and then exercise each part of the body and then take a minute or two jogging on the spot — great for a healthy heart!
My Mini-morning Workout is ideal for this and you can get an illustrated copy by e-mailing: [email protected]
Breakfast — the best meal of the day! Choose something low fat and healthy with fresh juice. (An excellent time to get your quota of cereal and refreshing yogurt and fruit juice.) Porridge oats is so cheap, healthy and great for the slow release of energy as well as lowering cholesterol and being good for the heart.
Lunch — if you are working, pack a nice healthy sandwich, and low fat desert. Take lots of fresh fruit for snacks. If you are lucky enough to be at home for lunch you may prefer to have this as your main meal of the day.
Supper — have some pasta, rice or lovely potatoes with lean meat or fish and loads of fresh vegetables or salad. Follow with fresh fruit salad.
Try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and cut down on coffee.
Try to cut down on snacks, but as we are all human, do allow yourself one treat per day.
This is a good time of year to make some new exercise resolutions. The cities of the Gulf have plenty to offer — swimming pools, as well as plenty of gyms and exercise classes. So, don’t be shy as the facilities are there for everyone.
Try to fit exercise into your routine. If it is part of your daily routine, you will soon be doing it out of habit. If you would like to join a gym, do! They are there for everyone, and have ladies only times and ladies only gyms. It is probably easiest to stop off at the gym on the way home from work or school — or on the way home after dropping the children off to school in the morning. Don’t go home first and sit down. If you are naturally lazy go to a class where the teacher will push you to work harder or join a team sport. My husband always wanted to play tennis and so started to take lessons at the age of 40 and now regularly takes part in tournaments and belongs to a team which gives him great pleasure. It is never too late to start and improve your health. Remember health is wealth. At work, try to use the stairs as often as possible. Remember that exercise gives you energy and releases feel-good endorphins to make you feel happy, confident, and able to tackle every opportunity. If you are crouched over your computer all day then get up regularly to do some stretches. E-mail me for my office workout at [email protected].
Ask Alva
I am only 30 years old and I am worried about my hair thinning on top is there anything I can do to stop more falling? — Magdy
To a degree, hair loss can be inherited from your mother or father’s family. But there are actions you can take to reduce the problem of thinning hair. Try to avoid stress by taking plenty of exercise. Eat a healthy diet and take a good daily multivitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement such as Permea Plus which can be bought online. Gently massage the scalp with Permea Plus hair repair massage oil to feed the scalp and to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles. This is the best way to slow down hair loss and promote new growth. — Alva