JEDDAH: A massive swine flu awareness campaign will be launched on Saturday when more than 100,000 elementary school students begin their new academic year after a prolonged summer vacation which lasted about four months.
“More than 100,000 pamphlets and brochures containing eight preventive steps against the spread of swine flu will be distributed in schools and other work places,” said Sahar Abdul Wahab Bahrawi, CEO of the preventive program of SAMA group for medical services. She added that the program comes within efforts that are being exerted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with other medical, educational and social sectors.
She explained that the eight steps were derived from the US Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (USCDCP) and include the adoption of a healthy life style through moderate food, rest and exercise to strengthen body immunity; the cleaning of equipment such as telephones, computers and door locks; the washing of hands several times a day by soap or other disinfectants; the usage of tissues when sneezing or coughing; abstaining from using other people’s equipment unless sterilized; and never touching the nose, mouth or eye which are fast transmitters of infection.
Bahrawi called for precautionary measures to be taken against swine flu, which is easily transmitted from one person to another by coughing, sneezing or touching equipment contaminated by the virus.
She repeated the USCDCP findings that swine flu has the same characteristics as flu and that infected people would have the illness for a day before symptoms appear on them. Bahrawi also said immediate measures should be taken when symptoms such as high fever, body aches, running noses, colds, soar throats, vomiting and diarrhea appear on them.
She also said children must be given urgent medical care when they show signs of the disease including fast or heavy breathing, bluish change of color, inability to drink much fluids and continuous vomiting.
Bahrawi urged all health sectors and schools to enlighten students about swine flu and teach them what to do when swine flu symptoms appear on them.