JEDDAH: The number of Saudis visiting the United Kingdom is on the increase. British officials say 79,000 visas were issued in Saudi Arabia by the end of September this year, an increase of 1,000 this time last year.
It is thought that this figure may well hit the 100,000 mark this year.
The vast majority of visa applicants are Saudis, while around a fifth are from expatriates in the Kingdom. Visitors accounted for the highest number of Saudis visiting the UK, followed by students.
By the end of September, 15,500 visas were issued to Saudis wishing to study in the UK. More applications are expected for the last quarter of 2009, in line with the new academic year, which should push this number well above last year’s figure of 17,500 student visas. British officials estimate a total of 50,000 student visa applications for the last two years.