Pilgrimage reunites Indonesian soul mates after long separation

Anwar Al-Sayed | Arab News
Publication Date: 
Tue, 2009-12-01 03:00

MINA: Two long-lost friends who separated 10 years ago in Indonesia enjoyed a tearful reunion during this year’s Haj. They finally met at the gate of a camp in Mina after learning they would both be performing the pilgrimage the same year.

“We were close friends since childhood and school days. We were like two souls in the same body or like a shadow following the other everywhere,” said Rita, one of the friends who had moved to the United States.

“So many times we stopped at the doorstep sharing sad and happy times. We ate the same food, wore the same clothes, played together and shopped together. We had no idea that we were going to separate one day.

“I wish time would stop at this moment and we would never separate but this is life and each one of us will go our own way as soon as Haj is over.”

Crying tears of joy, the other friend Aly interrupted, thanking the Haj season for bringing them together. She had remained in Indonesian capital Jakarta when they separated.

“Since I came to know she would also be doing Haj this year, I was counting the days and the hours to see her. I consider our performance of the pilgrimage in the same year further proof that we are soul mates. Despite the long distance separating us, we thought about the same thing at the same time.”

Aly said the Qur’an mentions Haj as an occasion to gaining rewards in the hereafter and at the same time looking after one’s other interests. “Within these other interests comes my meeting with my friend.”

Aly added Rita had become even more beautiful but had put on a little weight, perhaps due to the fact she was living in the US.

“However, I am sure that her heart is still clean and big. She is still a sentimental woman who loves all people. I know we will be together for only a few days before Haj is over but I was so happy that Haj gave us this time together.”

The friends said they would go to the Grand Mosque together for prayer and never leave each other until it was time to go home.

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