DAMMAM: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has announced it is accepting applications for September 2010 semester. The deadline is Jan. 1. The university is offering fellowships for undergraduate students of all nationalities who will be completing their undergraduate studies by June.
A number of fellowships will be available in the fields of applied mathematics and computational science, bioscience, chemical and biological engineering, chemical science, computer science, earth science and engineering, electrical engineering, environmental science and engineering, marine science and engineering, materials science and engineering and mechanical engineering.
KAUST has listed on its website five components to the fellowship application: a statement of purpose, official transcript, three letters of recommendation, an adequate TOEFL or IELTS English-language proficiency score and GRE score. Students awarded a KAUST fellowship will receive full tuition support, a monthly stipend, free housing and travel costs to the KAUST campus. For more information and to get an application or to speak to a scholarship representative, visit the KAUST website at: http://kaust.edu.sa.