Back to basics: EDEN natural jewelry

Marriam Mossalli
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2010-03-17 20:49

With exotic rocks that brought back the nostalgia of geology class at university and rare sea shells harvested from the four corners of the earth, EDEN takes the concept of exclusive luxury back to basics.
EDEN was founded by Ranyah Seraj and husband Ali Salam, who share a unique gift of being able to extract the true beauty of our planet and set it into a piece of ornamentation. But EDEN is more than just an organic jewelry line praised for its unmatched aesthetic.
In particular, the concept is a means to educate people about our planet. This is made very apparent as a viewing is usually accompanied by an informative guided tour.
“Our goal is to enlighten people about endangered species, depleting rainforests, and the destruction of our environment,” explains Ali.
“We also believe in creating an awareness of ethical and eco-friendly trade standards,” adds Ranyah. Take EDEN’s “Eco-Jungle Collection”, which consists of real butterfly wings framed in glass or laminated for extra sustainability.
“The Morpho butterflies from Peru live only for a maximum of two months,” reveals Ranyah.
“After the butterflies’ natural life cycle ends, rodents eat their bodies, leaving only the wings.”
The wings are then collected and made into jewelry pieces. Part of the profits from sales of this line is donated to a charity responsible for the preservation of the butterflies’ tropical habitat.
An anthology of poetic designs, EDEN’s concepts are inspired from the natural beauty within all of God’s creations, including each of us.
“Each person has his or her own unique attributes,” explains Ranyah, who is the designer of the EDEN duo.

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