
Mariam Alireza, [email protected]
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2010-03-31 03:23

Strawberry, Fragaria vesca or ananassa, stands fourth in the series of the “Berry Doctor” Paul Gross’ 20 superfruits (mango, fig, orange, strawberry, goji, red grape, cranberry, kiwi, papaya, blueberry, cherry, red raspberry, seaberry, guava, blackberry, black currant, date, pomegranate, acai, and dry prunes). I am sure many of us welcome the superfruit whole-heartedly as it is a favorite among many. Nevertheless, I am dismayed for those who have allergies to strawberry, which also means that they are allergic to most berries. It is unfortunate that they should miss on all the health bonuses contained in this special superfruit. However, unless the allergy is acute, allergy-prone individuals ‘may’ be able to take ‘one and only one’ strawberry every once in a while.
Due to its attractive color, special aroma, crunchy texture, delicious flavor, and inviting shape, strawberry has gained much popularity. Increased demand has boosted cultivation, sales, and export volume in and out of the US California is the biggest exporter of the berry.
Fresh strawberry’s strength is in its vitamin C and dietary fiber contents. Its richness in minerals and phytochemicals push it to be one of the leading recommended superfruits. The red pigment of strawberry provides a multitude of phytochemicals like polyphenols and flavonoids. The treasure lies in the high nutrient concentration (phytochemical and omega-3 and -6 fats) in the berry’s skin and tiny crunchy yellow seeds embedded in the outer skin, which are called achenes.
The berry’s crimson hue is also responsible for the berry’s anthocyanins. Its contents of ellagic acid, ellagictannins, catechins, and cinnamic acids are the subjects of active research in health and therapeutic arenas in order to decrease the risk of inflammation, cardiovascular disorders, and complex diseases such as cancer.
Strawberry’s secret of maintaining youth comes from one of its phytocompounds, resveratrol, (also available in grape seeds). The compound was found, in studies, to have anti-aging properties, keeping the skin and body youthful. The chemical also acts against diabetes, through controlling blood sugar levels.
The fruit carries phytosterols (fat soluble alcohol), which help reduce blood cholesterol and control its production in the body. The superfruit has other heart and vascular friendly compounds. They come as essential fatty acids like omega-3-and-6 fats, which lie in the numerous yellow achenes (seeds) adorning the rosy-red surface of the berry.
The tiny seeds also offer ellagic acid along with two other powerful antioxidants, pelargonidin and cyanidin. The latter helps maintain the efficient functions of cells. All are widely researched phytocompounds. Such anthocyanins provide very important functions after the digestive and assimilation processes. They enhance enzyme activity, receptor responsiveness, cell functions, and gene activation, which have influence on the development of diseases. Current research is actively investigating the activity of such compounds, which can suppress and reverse chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disorders, and cancer.
In the recent years, research has also intensified due to surfacing evidence of strawberry’s effectiveness in reducing the occurrence of numerous ailments such as blood clotting; high cholesterol; vascular and heart disorders; inflammation; mutation and spreading of cancer cells; early aging (skin wrinkling, eyesight deterioration); acid reflux; low immunity; and repeated infections (viral, yeast, bacterial, parasite).
Studies at the University of Toronto showed the effects of nutrition in reducing blood cholesterol levels when a diet of fruits, vegetables, soy products, prebiotic fiber, phytosterols, nuts, and strawberries were recommended for correcting the disorder.
Certain individuals who are generally prone to allergies may also be sensitive to strawberries. Those who are allergic to aspirin should be very careful when eating strawberries and other berries in big amounts.
Introducing berries to older babies should be done with extreme caution. Doctors advise breastfeeding mothers to abstain from eating berries in general, lest they trigger allergies in their infants.
According to nutritional researcher Paul Pitchford, strawberry is considered cooling in Chinese medicine. To treat poor digestion and bloating, the berry should be eaten prior to meals. Due to its richness in vitamin C and silicon, it helps repair connective tissue and strengthens teeth and gums. It also relieves urinary difficulties.
Due to the fruit’s tiny insects lying within the crevices surrounding the achenes, strawberries should be soaked in water and cleaned thoroughly by flushing in order to get rid of these pests. Some people suggest adding a little liquid soap to the water before washing them, but I am against chemicals permeating the fine skin of the berry. I would rather add a little vinegar to the water to disinfect the berries.
Have you ever tried the small wild strawberries, fraises des bois, available in France for a short period during the summer season? Despite their slightly bitter taste, wild strawberries are considered a delicacy. By the way, the smaller the berry is, the more nutritious it is, because it offers more skin surface and seeds than the larger pulpy ones, hence they contain more nutrients.
Locally-grown strawberries are fresher, smaller, redder, crispier, and tastier than the bigger pulpier fruit. 
Many readers and children would be more than happy to add strawberries to their diets. The superfruit’s delightful taste is appealing and popular, even among children. The fruit has multiple uses and fits well in many healthy drinks, ice-creams, baked goods, jams, pies, snacks, entertainment recipes, or even eaten by themselves (five equal a portion). Fresh strawberry is a favorite when dipped in melted chocolate. Hmmmm!!! Enjoy and keep healthy.
N.B. Individuals with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural.

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