Personally I think twice before I take my car out on weekends as there are more youths driving cars and increasing numbers of insane maneuvers taking place on our roads.
Though I do not have figures on the exact number of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia, I believe that we are among the leading nations for car accidents resulting from speeding.
We should give more attention to this serious trend, which needs more focus and studies.
Punishments alone are not enough. The idea that harsher punishments might be introduced is futile, especially as relevant organizations have tried this method to no avail.
The matter needs careful thought and candidness. What makes our youths risk their lives for no reason other than killing time and boredom? What causes our youths to threaten the lives of other drivers? Why are young men, who should be preoccupied with planning for their futures, so reckless?
I think we should first ask ourselves: What have we done as a society to improve the behavior of these young men to the desired standard?
Have we provided them with job opportunities? Have we provided them with opportunities for studies and vocational training? Have we provided sufficient entertainment facilities? Have we tried to develop or even discover their talents?
Have we tried to cultivate them and develop their personalities instead of chasing them in malls and public places under the pretext that young men are guilty until they are proved innocent?
Society is directly responsible for harnessing these young men. If society is not aware of this responsibility, the young men may turn into mines that might explode anytime instead of becoming weapons for the future and a safeguarding element for our social fabric.
([email protected])