'Scuds charges like Iraq WMDs'

Associated Press
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2010-04-21 00:01

Saad Hariri's comments, made late Monday in Italy and carried by Lebanese media Tuesday, come after Israeli President Shimon Peres accused Syria last week of providing the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah with Scud missiles.
Syria has denied the charges of providing Scuds, which can carry a warhead of up to 1 ton, making them far larger than the biggest rockets previously in Hezbollah's arsenal. Hezbollah has neither confirmed nor denied the Israeli claims.
Allegations that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction were the main US rationale behind the US-led war in Iraq, but none were found after the 2003 invasion.
"The media suddenly started reporting that there are Scud missiles in Lebanon. Do you know what a Scud missile means? I believe it is as big as this room," Hariri said.
"Threats that Lebanon now has huge missiles are similar to what they used to say about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq," he added. "These are weapons that they did not find and they are still searching for." "They are trying to repeat the same scenario with Lebanon," the prime minister said.
Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah has said his militants have more than 30,000 rockets and are capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Those claims match Israeli intelligence assessments.
On Monday, the US State Department summoned Syria's deputy chief of mission in Washington, Zouheir Jabbour, and accused Damascus of "provocative behavior" in supplying arms to the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah.

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