26/11 prosecution seeks death penalty for Qasab

Publication Date: 
Wed, 2010-05-05 01:51

Prosecution lawyer Ujjwal Nikam argued for two and a half hours that the gunman, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab, who was found guilty on Monday, should be handed the death penalty.
Referring to the Supreme Court judgment, Nikam said it would be fair to award the death penalty and that Qasab and his accomplice, Abu Ismail, who was subsequently killed, murdered 72 innocent people mercilessly. He added that the murders were part of a pre-planned conspiracy, adding that the accused and his accomplices slaughtered like a goat the owner of a boat, Kuber, which they hijacked off the coast of Gujarat.
The court, which was presided over by Special Court judge M.L. Tahilyani, was packed to full capacity with more than 200 national and international media journalists covering the case.
There was also tight security with more than 4,000 police and paramilitary forces deployed in and around the high security Arthur Road Prison where deliberations are taking place.
Tahilyani said he would announce his verdict on Thursday. Two other men accused of providing logistical support to the terrorists — Faheem Ansari and Shahabuddin Shaikh — were found not guilty citing lack of evidence.
Meanwhile, Qasab’s lawyer, K.P. Pawar, who began his arguments on the quantum of punishment, pleaded to the court to show leniency to Qasab keeping in view his young age and no previous criminal record.
Pawar said Qasab should be given the opportunity to reform and rehabilitated. The accused, the defense lawyer said, was blinded by religion and committed the crime under severe mental and emotional pressure.
Qasab is also a human being and the court should consider granting him an opportunity to reform, Pawar said.

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