KAU considering fine on smokers

Publication Date: 
Fri, 2010-05-28 02:41

All the Saudi universities and higher education institutions have been invited to the forum, which is supported by the Ministry of Health.
“King Abdulaziz University is making final preparations for the event. Our goal is to continue with the success of the campaign, which was launched in 2005,” said Abdullah Mahraji, dean of student affairs at the university.
During the initial phases of the campaign the university was able to ban smoking inside its buildings. The first stage of the program included an outreach and educational campaign targeting students, staff and visitors.
The second stage included monitoring people who flout the ban. The third and final stage, which is to be discussed at the forum, involves handing out penalties to people who break the rule.
“My classmates may not like the idea but I believe smoking should be banned,” said engineering student Khaled Abdullah. “It is a bad habit and bad for people’s health. I think there should be a fine for smoking regardless of whether the person is a student or a member of staff,” he added.

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