JCC opens doors to expat students

Publication Date: 
Mon, 2010-05-31 03:03

“The JCC is the first community college in the Middle East to receive accreditation from The Council on Occupational Education. The college's aims is to connect with the community and interact with all of the different cultures in society, including international schools and companies which want to train their employees,” said the JCC’s dean, Ibraheem Ismail Kutbi. Kutbi made the comments during a meeting with the principles of international schools in Jeddah. He added that in their final academic year JCC students will also be able to enroll on to associate degree courses at King Abdulaziz University (KAU).
“As long as a student is under his father’s iqama, he will qualify to study at the college. For students who graduate and would like to join KAU, then the JCC has a program that students can apply to join. If they qualify they can continue their degree at KAU,” he added.
Irfan Ahmed, a marketing manager at the JCC, said this is the first time that expatriates will be able to take advantage of the double degree option.
“A student can specialize in two subjects from two universities in four years. For example, sales and marketing,” he said. Programs cost SR8,000 per semester with the net cost for four semesters coming to SR32,000.
The JCC was established in 2003 under a ministerial decree and is located in the city’s Al-Rehab district. It offers eight evening and morning associate programs throughout the week, expect weekends. The college is part of KAU and provides courses in marketing, accounting, sales, insurance, pharmacy, computer networking, computer graphics and e-commerce.
Students can apply for a fee reduction of up to SR16,000; application forms are available for download from the JCC website, www.jcc.kau.edu.sa.

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