SABB sponsors research to save mangroves on Saudi shores

Publication Date: 
Wed, 2010-07-07 01:56

The bank sponsored a research team to conduct a study for the rehabilitation and cultivation of these plants.
The team of 12 Saudi researchers will focus on ways to preserve endangered mangroves, which are known for their environmental and medical benefits.
The mangroves significantly contribute to the sustainability of the ecosystem by providing an ideal environment for marine life, habitats for migratory birds and shoreline stabilization.
The tree is also known for its medicinal ingredients used in the treatment of gum and liver diseases.
“SABB participation in this project comes in line with its role as a friend of the environment, supporting environmental programs and initiatives. We strongly believe in the aims of this project as a new step in protecting Saudi flora and some of its endangered species,” said SABB’s head of corporate communications Ibrahim Abo-Mouti.
Abo-Mouti reiterated SABB’s role in supporting this program since environment, along with community and education, form the three main pillars of its social responsibility policy.
He thanked the Saudi Wildlife Commission for giving SABB the opportunity to participate in this project and the research team for their efforts so far.
There are more than 80 species of mangrove trees around the world, of which only four species are found in the Arab region. Mangroves grow on the shores of the Red Sea in Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen as well as the Gulf of Aqaba and the Arabian Gulf.

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