Police launch manhunt after ATM card scam

Publication Date: 
Thu, 2010-07-15 02:18

Lt. Nawaf Al-Bouq, spokesman for Jeddah police, said a Saudi man contacted officers at the Al-Samer police station saying that he had been targeted by the gang.
“The victim received a call from a gang member who asked him about his ATM card details saying the information is essential to update their data and asked him to visit the bank after 24 hours,” said Al-Bouq.
“When the man visited his bank and checked his account, he noticed that a large amount of cash was missing,” he said, adding that another man filed a similar complaint at the Al-Samer police station the same day.
Al-Bouq said investigations are under way to find the gang.
Local banks have issued repeated warnings asking customers not to give their PIN numbers to anyone, including bank employees.

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