“Europe is a place where a cartoonist is allowed to draw something like this,” she said.
I don’t know whether Chancellor Merkel would also consider the cartoon denigrating the Holocaust among the “acts of courage” deserving commendation and a part of freedom of expression, or whether she would condemn such an act and consider the cartoonist a person to be tracked down and punished like those who question whether the Holocaust actually happened.
It is a hypocritical vision of freedom of expression the chancellor has commended, a freedom that would allow people in Europe to create doubts about the existence of God Himself, but would not allow any move that would create doubts about the mass murder of six million Jews by Nazis in Germany.
What prompted the German chancellor to honor a cartoonist who hurt the feelings of more than a billion Muslims across the world when his blasphemous drawings caused disturbances in several Islamic nations?
Dozens of people died in the violence that broke out in early 2006, months after Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons showing the Prophet in a variety of humorous or satirical situations.
Muslims regard any depiction of the Prophet as a blasphemy.
How can Chancellor Merkel appreciate the work of a person who spreads hate against Islam and Muslims and call it courage and freedom of expression, when at the same time her country takes legal action against all those who hurt the feelings of 13 million Jews in the world by doubting the Holocaust?
Ms. Chancellor, this is utter contradiction and shortsightedness, a lack of wisdom and double standard, creating a deeper divide between the Islamic and Western worlds.
([email protected])