The main color scheme is a mix of black and yellow, which I think is an interesting and bold choice. In some circles, yellow is associated with optimism and cheer, while black is more related to judgment and criticism. Perhaps this is part of the reason people applaud at the sight of the sun, and why a judge wears black. Put the two together and you get an interesting mix of critical optimism and a vibe that is both inviting and intimidating at the same time.
Given that the Crepe Café was actually created in Australia, I feel like this chosen color scheme makes more sense. The café is certainly pleasant enough an environment, but it does not strike me as being particularly French. On the other hand, it is perfectly located within the mall for a good amount of people watching, which is an activity I do believe to be particularly French. Aside from the bold color choice, the Crepe Café is a decent hangout spot. The service was friendly and efficient. Most of the preparation is done in the open behind a glass shield to protect from sneezes and the sort. This way one can watch his/her food as it is being prepared. Of particular interest to myself was a device that hung atop the hot plate where the crepes are prepared. Filled with batter, the server can squirt the perfect amount every time and do so more efficiently. While not particularly exciting, I did find it interesting to watch as I waited for my food to arrive.
As to the crepes themselves, the menu provides a nice variety of choices and is divided into two sections: sweet and savory. For the sweet crepes, they range from the simple to the extravagant. One can order a crepe just with just one ingredient such as sugar, syrup, honey or Nutella. It is easy to imagine any of these being quite delicious. The more complex crepes deal with the likes of bananas, strawberries, custard, caramel, whipped cream and others in the same sort of category.
The savory crepes are divided between poultry, beef, vegetarian and seafood. I was honestly a bit surprised by the seafood option, but I imagine that it is probably a sort of test case as they only serve one item in that category. From there you have a decent mix of the expected to the creative including: the Chicken Pesto, Margarita, Florentine, Hot Dog and Philly Cheese Steak Crepe. I am sure that the idea of having a hot dog crepe, with ketchup and mustard and all would horrify more than a few Frenchmen.
In addition to this vast selection, there are also a nice variety of other items available. In case one feels as though the crepe is not quite hearty enough, there are also waffles, omelets, traditional pancakes, coffees, shakes and smoothies. I suppose this variety of items is the reason they called it a “café” and not a “creperie.”
For my meal, I chose to go with the Philly Cheese Steak Crepe as my main course and a Nutella crepe for dessert. The cheese steak was served with sliced beef, American cheese, green peppers and onions. The ingredients were good but I found the cheese to be a bit lacking in flavor, which did put a slight damper on the whole thing as the cheese is a rather critical component. The crepe itself, however, was well made and exactly what a crepe should be like. While the Nutella crepe is a rather basic dish considering the more extravagant choices, it is also one of my favorites. Needless to say, it was delicious, but then again, cardboard would be delightful with enough Nutella spread atop.
The Crepe Café is a nice and casual location to sit and talk with your friends and have a few snacks. It certainly makes for a better café than restaurant, and if you keep this in mind you will enjoy your experience. The crepes themselves are very tasty; so, in the end, it really depends on what you decide to put inside. The Crepe Café also offers a cone-shaped crepe handy if you’re looking for a snack on the go. While it may not be the most meal-oriented of establishments, it would work well for breakfast, otherwise I would recommend it for dessert or as a break spot between shopping.
Ground floor of the Stars Avenue Mall, Jeddah. Telephone: 022634989