A court in Qatif recently handed the man, who is in his 50s, a six-month prison sentence and 60 lashes for blackmailing the woman. She has, however, called for a harsher punishment, adding that the man cast a spell on her after visiting him along with her sister for treatment of anxiety.
“At my very first visit, which was eight years ago, he cast a spell on me and gave me a talisman. After this, there were problems between my husband and I,” she said, adding that the con artist then started calling her frequently.
The woman said she then fell into the man’s trap and did not have her full presence of mind. “On some occasions, he called me and revealed some private information about myself. Once he called me while I was at hospital and asked whether he should tell me the name of the fetus that I was carrying. I then began wondering how he knew I was pregnant,” she said.
She added that this incident occurred before the birth of her child three years ago, and that she had then met the man only twice. “This resulted in some relations between us. He started blackmailing me using some sort of magic. Sometimes, he would say that he would make me go bald if I refused to have sex with him,” she said.
“Under his spell, I was forced to travel with him in his car; he used me sexually several times,” she said, adding that she was unable to have intimate relations with her husband for around six years.
“He always called me and pressed me to divorce my husband. I sought a divorce from my husband several times but he refused,” she said, praising God for not leaving her husband and jeopardizing the future of their eight children.
The couple have called on the court to review its judgment and to punish the man more severely for pushing their married life on to the brink of collapse.