The figurehead of Myanmar’s fight against military dictatorship has backed Western sanctions aimed at squeezing the regime and pushing it toward political reforms and improvements to its poor human rights record. However, critics say sanctions have largely been a failure.
Although unlikely Suu Kyi’s release would lead to a lifting of sanctions, it would sharpen the debate on whether embargoes were a viable option at a time when Myanmar’s neighbors are tapping its vast resources and propping up the regime.
Here is an overview of existing sanctions on the former Burma and its rulers:
• The European Union adopted a Common Position on Myanmar in 1996, including a ban on the sale or transfer from the EU of arms or weapons expertise to Myanmar, or of any equipment that might be used for internal repression.
• EU governments tightened sanctions after a crackdown on pro-democracy protests led by Buddhist monks in September 2007, targeting 1,207 firms with measures including visa bans and asset freezes.
• In April 2009 the EU extended for another year a visa ban and asset freezes on members of the Myanmar military government and its backers. It has long called for the release of Suu Kyi and other political prisoners.
• France said on Aug. 11 there should be a global embargo on arms sales to Myanmar and economic sanctions focused on its key exports, timber and rubies. Britain called for the UN Security Council to impose a global arms embargo.
• On Thursday the EU said members of the judiciary responsible for Suu Kyi’s sentencing had been added to the list of officials of the military government subject to asset freezes and bans on travel to the European Union.
• The United States first imposed broad sanctions in 1988 after the junta’s crackdown on student-led protests. It banned new investment in Myanmar by US persons or entities in 1997.
• Washington has gradually tightened sanctions to try to force Myanmar’s generals into political rapprochement with Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy, which won a landslide election victory in 1990 but was kept out of power by the junta.
• President Barack Obama renewed the US sanctions in May. Suu Kyi’s latest trial has dashed the already slim chances that these will be eased.
• In July 2008, the Treasury moved to block the assets and transactions of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and the Myanmar Economic Corp and their subsidiaries.
• The moves banned American individuals and businesses from transactions with the firms and froze any assets they had under US jurisdiction.
• The Burma Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 banned all imports from Myanmar, restricted financial transactions, froze the assets of certain Myanmar financial institutions and extended visa restrictions on junta officials.
AUSTRALIA — Has maintained visa restrictions on senior junta figures and a ban on defense exports since 1988.
Announced financial sanctions in October 2007 against Myanmar’s ruling generals and their families — over 400 individuals in all.
CANADA — Imposed sanctions in November 2007 banning exports to Myanmar, except for humanitarian goods, and barring imports. It froze the Canadian assets of Myanmar citizens connected with the junta. Canada also prohibited the provision of financial services and the export of technical data to Myanmar, and banned new investment by Canadians.
NEW ZEALAND — Has a long-standing ban on visas for military leaders and their families.
JAPAN — Japan cut aid to Myanmar in October 2007.
ASIA — Most Asian governments have favored a policy of engagement toward Myanmar.
China and India have been silent on the detention of Suu Kyi but the Philippines said it was “deeply troubled and outraged over the filing of trumped-up charges.”