The first recorded journal of acupuncture is found in the 4,700-year-old Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine). This is supposedly the oldest medical textbook in the world. It was written down from seven earlier theories by Shen Nung, the father of Chinese medicine. Shen Nung documented theories about the heart, pulse and circulation over 4000 years before Western medicine had any concept about them.
Shen Nung theorized that the body had an energy force called Qi (pronounced chee) running throughout it. The Qi consists of all essential life activities which include the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional aspects of life. A persons health is influenced by the flow of Qi in the body, in combination with the universal forces of Yin and Yang (discussed later). If the flow of Qi is insufficient, unbalanced or interrupted, Yin and Yang become unbalanced, and illness may occur. Qi travels through the body along special pathways called Meridians. These channels are the same on both sides of the body. There are fourteen main Meridians running vertically up and down the surface of the body, as well as two unpaired midline Meridians. The acupuncture points are specific locations where the Meridians come to the surface of the skin, and are easily accessible using the fine needles.
Yin and Yang is an important theory in the discussion of acupuncture, in relation to the Chinese theory of body systems. The energy force that runs throughout the body called Qi, is also said to be present in nature. Qi is composed of two parts, Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are opposite forces that work in harmony when balanced. Any disruption of this balance will result in natural disasters in nature, and disease in human beings. Taoist philosophy states that Yin is signified by female attributes and Yang is signified by male attributes. So Yin is passive, dark, cold and moist, that which moves medially and is deficient of Yang. Yang (the male side) has the attributes of light, active, warm and dry that which moves laterally and is deficient of Yin.
Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of conditions such as muscle and joint problems, high blood pressure, back pain and neck pain, menstrual problems,headaches migraines and nervous conditions, digestive problems and low energy, respiration and other lung related conditions, allergies and asthma, insomnia, skin problems,stress related, mental and emotional e.g. anxiety and depression; and chronic fatigue.
Acupuncture can involve the usage of as many as nine types of needles, though only six are commonly used today. These needles vary in length, width of shaft, and shape of head. Today, most needles are disposable in accordance with medical biohazard regulations and guidelines. Stimulation from the needle creates two responses to ease pain. One is endorphin release; the other part affects the immune system.
According to a study on the effects of Acupuncture application therapy on obesity by the department of Physiology in Selcuk University, Turkey; it has been reported that acupuncture application in obesity treatment is effective in procuring weight loss. It can effect appetite, intestinal motility, and metabolism, as well as emotional factors such as stress. Acupuncture stimulates the auricular branch of the vagal nerve and increases serotonin levels. This suppresses the appetite, as well as enhancing intestinal motility. It controls stress and depression via endorphin and dopamine production. In addition to these effects, it is thought that the increase in plasma levels of beta endorphin after acupuncture application can contribute to the body weight loss in obese people by mobilizing the body energy depots.
It is clear that acupuncture has grown in popularity outsider China including the Western hemisphere and some insurance companies have even expanded their coverage to include licensed acupuncturists. Houston is home to one of only three accredited acupuncture schools in Texas, where the American college of acupuncture and oriental medicine offers a four year masters degree, and students must pass state exams to become licensed acupuncturists.
More and more Americans are going under the needle. In 2002 a national survey showed 8.2 million Americans had tried acupuncture, up from 2.1 million the year before. In China it is not uncommon to see traditional stroke medications, acupuncture and Chinese herb treatments all going on at the same time for the same patient.
Alternative medicine: Chinese acupuncture
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Wed, 2010-11-24 16:42
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