Firm denies pollution charges

Publication Date: 
Sun, 2010-12-05 01:30

In a statement issued on Saturday, the company said it was following international rules and regulations and implementing the national program for the management and disposal of medical garbage since 1997.
“We have been applying modern technology for this purpose and we have obtained a number of national and international awards,” the company said. The company has received ISO 14001 certificate and the 18001 professional health certificate.
“Our company has received the Saudi government’s award for the best environment management,” the statement said. “The technologies we apply are environment friendly,” it said, adding that they have been used in many countries.
It said a number of monitoring and government agencies have observed the performance of technologies applied by the company and have been giving their regular reports since the opening of its Jeddah plant. The company said the stench that was coming out sometimes during the night was because of burning cables and tires by some illegal expatriate workers. A committee comprising officials from various government departments has certified that the smell was not emitting from the plant.
The company has explained to Jeddah Municipal Council officials its activities and presented documents showing the correctness of its environmental activities. “We’ll not accept any move to tarnish the image of our company by publishing false reports,” it said.

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